
CS3243 Project: Learning to Play Tetris with Big Data!

Primary LanguageJava


CS3243 Project: Learning to Play Tetris with Big Data!

Tracing the Program

If player has not lost,

make a move => which requires a move => calls p.pickMove(s, s.legalMoves())
p.pickMove reads the state, and checks the legalMoves and decides which move to play. 
s.draw() draws the state with the decided move
s.drawNext() draws the next object
sleeps for 0.3 seconds

When player loses,

System prints out you have completed n rows

[][][]Legal moves

A double array which contains an int and an array
First index tells you which piece type.
Second index is the number of legal moves 
Last index is the slot. 


returns an int -> the slot which is used by s.makeMove() function

Original Readme

This is a basic Tetris simulation.

Files: State - tetris simulation TFrame - frame that draws the board TLabel - drawing library PlayerSkeleton - setup for implementing a player

State: This is the tetris simulation. It keeps track of the state and allows you to make moves. The board state is stored in field (a double array of integers) and is accessed by getField(). Zeros denote an empty square. Other values denote the turn on which that square was placed. NextPiece (accessed by getNextPiece) contains the ID (0-6) of the piece you are about to play.

Moves are defined by two numbers: the SLOT, the leftmost column of the piece and the ORIENT, the orientation of the piece. Legalmoves gives an nx2 int array containing the n legal moves. A move can be made by specifying the two parameters as either 2 ints, an int array of length 2, or a single int specifying the row in the legalMoves array corresponding to the appropriate move.

It also keeps track of the number of lines cleared - accessed by getRowsCleared().

draw() draws the board. drawNext() draws the next piece above the board clearNext() clears the drawing of the next piece so it can be drawn in a different slot/orientation

TFrame: This extends JFrame and is instantiated to draw a state. It can save the current drawing to a .png file. The main function allows you to play a game manually using the arrow keys.

TLabel: This is a drawing library.

PlayerSkeleton: An example of how to implement a player. The main function plays a game automatically (with visualization).

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Feature Functions

  • Aggregate height
  • Complete lines
  • Holes
  • Bumpiness
  • Maximum column height