
handwavegif Hello there !

version :20.08.2021   profile count  GitHub johnliveeoroncillo  build: passing

👨🏻‍💻  About Me

💡  I have a huge passion for creating beautiful, responsive, and comfortable experiences through the applications and websites I make.
✍️  I'm a freelance Fullstack Developer. My objective is to help business owners and non-profit organizations to develop and implement their desired web application.
💬  Feel free to reach out to me for general consulting, or discussions on the aforementioned topics!
✉️  You can email me at I'll try to respond as soon as possible!
🔗  Visit my portfolio for more details about work experience.

🛠  Tech Stack

Javascript  TypeScript  HTML  CSS  Bootstrap TailwindCSS

Saas  Vue  NuxtJS  jQuery 

Postman  Strapi  Node.js  Express.js Websocket  WebRTC  MySQL  PHP  Codeigniter  Laravel Supabase

Heroku  Google Cloud  Netlify  Vercel

Git  Github  GitLab

Top Languages

📫   How to reach me:

LinkedIn   Gmail