LEAD: An extension for SkySpark v3.0.12+ that provides a test runner and assertion functions for testing Axon code.
First create some test functions in Axon. Test functions are typically prefixed with test
, take no arguments, and optionally return okay
to signify just that.
testPassExample : () => do
expected : "foo bar"
actual : "foo bar" // this bit should do some work!
// assert the result
verifyEq(expected, actual)
testFailExample : () => do
expected : "foo bar"
actual : "poo"
// assert the result
verifyEq(expected, actual)
Then pass them to the test runner to have them executed.
// run tests
Results are returned in a handy grid:

Runs the given list of test functions and returns a Grid of results.
may be a name of a top level function, the function itself, or a list of said types.
is a Dict
which may contains the following:
- a func that is run before every test functionteardown
- a func that is run after every test function
Returns a list of all top level funcs in the project whose name starts with test
. Use to quickly run all tests in a project.
Verify that cond is true, otherwise throw a test failure exception.
If msg
is non-null, include it in a failure exception. Identical to verifyTrue()
Verify that cond
is true
, otherwise throw a test failure exception.
If msg
is non-null, include it in a failure exception. Identical to verify()
Verify that cond
is false
, otherwise throw a test failure exception.
If msg
is non-null, include it in a failure exception.
Verify that a
is null
, otherwise throw a test failure exception.
If msg
is non-null, include it in a failure exception.
Verify that a
is not null, otherwise throw a test failure exception.
If msg
is non-null, include it in a failure exception.
Verify that a == b
, otherwise throw a test failure exception.
If msg
is non-null, include it in a failure exception.
Verify that a != b
, otherwise throw a test failure exception.
If msg
is non-null, include it in a failure exception.
Verify that the function throws an Err. The err msg is returned so you may do further (regex) tests on it.
verifyErr =>
Verify that the function throws an Err. The contained dis msg must be the same as errMsg.
verifyErrMsg("Invalid Int: '@#!'") () =>
verifyErrMsg("poo") () =>
throw { dis: "poo" }
AxonT Ext is free software and an open source project licensed under the permissive ISC Licence by the Internet Systems Consortium - it is similar to the popular MIT licence, only shorter!