The goal of spccharter is rapid analysis of multiple statistical process control charts. The package will create charts, detect signals of improvement, and revise control limits each time a signal occurs. Currently, ‘C’, ‘P’ and ‘U’ charts can be produced.
The package supports non standard evaluation - you can pass bare variable names.
spccharter is not on CRAN yet
But the development version is available on GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes") # if not already installed
One grouping variable:
spccharter(data, numerator = counts, datecol = date,
by = category_1, plot_type = 'c', direction = "both")
Two grouping variables:
spccharter(data, numerator = counts, denominator = attends, datecol = date,
by = c('ward','hospital'), plot_type = 'p', direction = "both")