
A python scrapy project for parsing the daily congressional record

Primary LanguagePython

Concord: Scraping the daily congressional record from congress.gov


What is the Congressional Record?

From the legistlative glossary:

The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the U.S. Congress. For every day Congress is in session, an issue of the Congressional Record is printed by the Government Publishing
Office. Each issue summarizes the day's floor and committee actions and
records all remarks delivered in the House and Senate.

Data Spec

The congress spider returns a separate item for each proceeding in the congressional record (hereafer: "the record"). Each item contains the following fields:

  • url: The URL of the page where the proceeding was found
  • title: The title of the proceeding
  • date: The date the proceeding
  • congress: Which 2-year congress had the proceeding (E.g., the 114th congress, the 115th congress, etc)
  • session: Which session of congress had the proceeding
  • issue: Which issue of of the record has this proceeding (There is one issue for each day that congress meets)
  • volume: Which volume of the record has this proceeding
  • start_page: The page of the record where this proceeding begins
  • end_page: The page of the record where this proceeding ends
  • text: The text of the proceeding

Running Concord

  • First clone the repo and install dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/johnmarcampbell/concord  
cd concord  
[set up a virtual environment here if you like]  
pip install -r requirements.txt  
  • Concord can be run from the command line or using the included runSpider.py script.
scrapy crawl congress # command line  
python runSpider.py # script  

The congress spider can take the following arguments:

  • item_limit: A limit on the number of items to download.

  • start_date: Spider begins parsing records at this date. If none is provided, this will automatically set to yesterday's date

  • end_date: Spider stops parsing records after this date. If none is provided, this will automatically set to yesterday's date

  • date_format: A date format for specifying the date_string. See arrow documentation for more info.

  • sections: A list of sections to crawl. Must be selected from senate-section, house-section, or extensions-of-remarks-section

These arguments may be specifed in the runSpider.py script, or on the command line with:

scrapy crawl congress -a argument1=value1 -a argument2=value2 -a argument3=value3 ...