
Adversarial representation learning. Information obfuscation through adversarial training.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Instructions for learning synthetic replacement of private attributes

In this README we include a detailed description on how to download the data used in this study, how to setup the environment to run the scripts in, and how to run the experiments and produce results.

File structure

├── artifacts                           # training results root path
│   └── fixed_classifiers               # experiments path
│       └── Smiling                     # experiment result path
│           ├── classifier_64x64.h5     # experiment result (e.g., model weights)
│           .
├── cgan.py
├── data
│   ├── doit.sh                         # data rename / extraction script
│   ├── __ini__.py
│   ├── preprocess_annotations.py       # create csv files for data splits
│   ├── preprocess_images.py            # create numpy files for images (trade space for speed)
├── datasets
│   └── celeba.py                       # dataset definition
├── environment.yml                     # anaconda environment file
├── loss_functions.py
├── models
│   ├── inception.py                    # used to compute FID
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── unet.py                         # UNet architecture definition
│   └── utils.py
├── pcgan.py                            # main implementation script
├── README.md      
├── run_experiment.py                   # experiment(s) main script
├── sanity_check.py
├── train_classifiers.py                # fixed classifier training script
├── utils.py
└── vis                                 # table / plot scripts
    ├── create_adversarial_table.py

Setup environment (anaconda)

Install anaconda.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate pcgan

Download data

Download each of these files from the Google Drive:

and put them in the folder './data'.

cd data
sh doit.sh # rename files and extracts zip
python3 preprocess_annotations.py

You should now have

├── data
│   ├── .
│   ├── imgs
│   ├── training_annotations.txt  # annotations
│   ├── validation_annotations.txt
│   ├── test_annotations.txt

in the data folder.

Next run the sanity check

python sanity_check.py

and open the resulting 'sanity_check.png' image to convince yourself that the data is loaded properly.

Demo experiment

Run a short experiment to produce a trade-off curve plot for the smiling attribute with an average over one run. Remember, evaluation requires training of an adversary to predict the sensitive attribute for each configuration, and can take some time.

# train the fixed classifiers
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=train_classifiers --mode=train

# train and evaluate models
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=demo_experiment --mode=train
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=demo_experiment --mode=evaluate
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=demo_experiment --mode=predict_utility

# evaluate model and only run images through the filter
cp -r artifacts/demo_experiment/ artifacts/demo_baseline_experiment/
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=demo_baseline_experiment --mode=evaluate
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=demo_baseline_experiment --mode=predict_utility

# create trade-off curve
python vis/privacy_vs_utility_demo_plot.py

The trade-off curve is saved in the working directory as 'Smiling_privacy_utility_tradeoff.pdf'.

Train the models

List the number of GPUs you want to use to run the experiment. In the examples the experiments will run on GPU 0 and GPU 1.

python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=train_classifiers --mode=train
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=attributes_experiment --mode=train
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=attributes_entropy_experiment --mode=train
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=filter_experiment --mode=train

Evaluate the models

To evaluate the main method experiment:

python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=attributes_experiment --mode=evaluate
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=attributes_experiment --mode=predict_utility
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=attributes_entropy_experiment --mode=evaluate
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=attributes_entropy_experiment --mode=predict_utility
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=filter_experiment --mode=evaluate

To evaluate the baseline. Since the update of the filter model is independent of the generator we can simply copy the weights of the filter model from the main experiment and use them to evaluate the baseline. The difference is that we ONLY run the images through the filter in this evaluation.

cp -r artifacts/attributes_experiment artifacts/attributes_baseline_experiment
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=attributes_baseline_experiment --mode=evaluate
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=attributes_baseline_experiment --mode=predict_utility
cp -r artifacts/attributes_entropy_experiment artifacts/attributes_entropy_baseline_experiment
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=attributes_entropy_baseline_experiment --mode=evaluate
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=attributes_entropy_baseline_experiment --mode=predict_utility
cp -r artifacts/filter_experiment artifacts/filter_baseline_experiment
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=filter_baseline_experiment --mode=evaluate

Produce main figure

Figure 1

The trade-off between utility score and privacy loss for different distortion budgets. This will create the four plots seen in Figure 1 in the paper saved as pdfs in the working directory.

python vis/privacy_vs_utility_plot.py

Produce main tables

Table 1

The success rate of our method to fool the fixed classifier that the synthetic sensitive attribute is in the censored image.

python vis/create_attributes_experiment_table.py

Table 2

The value of each cell denotes the Pearson’s correlation coefficient between predictions from a fixed classifier trained to predict the row attribute and a fixed classifier trained to predict the column attribute, given that the column attribute has been censored.

# need to run additional predictions
python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=attributes_experiment --mode=predict
# create table
python vis/create_correlation_table.py

Table 3

The results of evaluating the adversarially trained classifiers on the held out test data censored with the baseline, only the generator, and our method.

python vis/create_filter_experiment_table.py

(Output table is basically transposed w.r.t table in paper.)

Visualize the output of the models

To visualize the output of the models run:

python run_experiment.py --gpus 0 1 --experiment_name=attributes_experiment --mode=visualize

and check the


folder for the images.

Inspect the loss-functions during training

To visualize the loss-functions and validation functions during training

tensorboard --logdir=artifacts/<experiment_path>