A description of the bioacoustics task for the advanced audio processing course at Tampere University. This is a sound event detection task, where the goal is to predict the onset and offset of bioacoustic sound events. Bioacoustics is sounds related to animals, and in this task we have three different datasets:
- Meerkat
- Dog
- Baby cry
These sound event classes vary a bit in characteristic. The Meerkat sounds are consistently very short, and the baby cries vary more and are longer.
The datasets are split into training and test data. The file structure is pairs of audio and annotations (.wav, .txt). Only annotations of the event class of interest are provided. E.g, in the meerkat example we have
9.485452220875999 9.711452220876 me
13.941618009893638 14.142618009893638 me
25.988057036822894 26.207077870156226 me
which means that we have 3 events in this file. For all three classes we provide annotations for all onset and offset event sounds in .txt which corresponds to the audio file .wav. In these datasets there are exactly 3 events in each soundscape without overlap. However, we could make this more difficult if desired by generating new datasets using the provided generate_soundscapes.py script.
Predict the onset and offset of the events as well as possible.
An audio and annotation example is provided in 'examples/meeerkat_soundscape_15.txt', and 'examples/meeerkat_soundscape_15.wav'.
9.485452220875999 9.711452220876 me
13.941618009893638 14.142618009893638 me
25.988057036822894 26.207077870156226 me
An audio and annotation example is provided in 'examples/dog_soundscape_15.txt', and 'examples/dog_soundscape_15.wav'.
9.485452220875999 10.059171041737677 dog
13.941618009893638 14.16835270377119 dog
25.988057036822894 26.178510551562123 dog
An audio and annotation example is provided in 'examples/baby_soundscape_15.txt', and 'examples/baby_soundscape_15.wav'.
13.941618009893638 14.352048848895906 baby
22.138530787299455 24.224675912016007 baby
25.988057036822894 27.37127699147142 baby
The three datasets have been generated using Scaper.
Download using dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/28i35xxwlozzpnnmsdy2m/bioacoustics-tasks.zip?rlkey=ff68wyvuy1h1lv12nc3yqew3l&dl=0
unzip bioacoustics-tasks.zip
you should now have the directories
bioacoustic_sed/generated_datasets/me_1.0_0.25s/ # meerkat dataset
bioacoustic_sed/generated_datasets/dog_1.0_0.25s/ # dog dataset
bioacoustic_sed/generated_datasets/baby_1.0_0.25s/ # baby dataset
each containing the training and test data. The training and test sources used to generate these datasets are split by geographical location, meaning that sounds from the same recordings and location does not appear in both training and test set.
Scaper does not support python>3.11, so make sure that you are using python=3.11.
Full example using Anaconda
conda create -n bioacoustics-task python=3.11
conda activate bioacoustics-task
conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg
pip install -r requirements.txt
Students can get the source material and the code used to generate the datasets if they want to add more variability, change the SNR, or even generate a multi-label classification task.
Dowload the source material: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ay0w0lb2y2zogjh7779us/bioacoustics-sources.zip?rlkey=sxm8dpp13473a9ewi6vefw22v&dl=0
unzip bioacoustics-sources.zip
you should now have the directory
bioacoustic_sed/sources/train_sources # the source material for the training data
bioacoustic_sed/sources/test_sources # the source material for the test data
The training and test sources used to generate these datasets are split by geographical location, meaning that sounds from the same recordings and location does not appear in both training and test set.
python generate_soundscapes.py --dataset_name=all_foreground_and_background_classes --snr=0.0 --bg_label=all --fg_label=all --n_soundscapes=10 --base_dir=bioacoustic_sed/ --out_dir=generated_datasets
you should now have the directory
containing the newly generated training and test datasets (each with 10 soundscapes). In this dataset all foreground classes can appear at the same time in the soundscapes, making it a multi-label problem.
Please see the comments and in the generate_soundscape.py file to understand what it does, and what other parameters that can be specified and changed.
I have not fully described this yet, but this is the script used to generate the source material. That is, to extract the background sounds and foreground sounds from other openly available strongly labeled sound event detection datasets.
python generate_source_material.py --source_output_dir=<output_dir>