Overheard bot

Telegram bot enabling voice journaling.

Forked from @jxnl's repo, jxnl/vercel-telegram-gpt.

Setting up your Flask App

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Create a .env file and add your Telegram bot token OpenAI API key
  3. Optionally you can also add a OpenAI API key to enable the /gpt command
  4. Create a virtual environment by running python3 -m venv env
  5. Activate the virtual environment by running source env/bin/activate
  6. Install the required packages by running pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Visit the telebot docs to get a rundown on how to make more complex responses.

Deployment on Vercel

  1. Connect your GitHub repository to Vercel or
  2. Run npm i -g vercel to install vercel
  3. Run vercel auth to authenticate
  4. Run vercel the first time to set up the itegrationto deploy the app
  5. Run vercel dev to test the application locally
  6. Run vercel secrets add [secret-name] [secret-value] to set your tokens
  7. Run vercel deploy to deploy the application as a preview

Setting up Webhooks

  1. Run the app.py script use the URL of your Vercel-deployed app as the webhook URL

Implementing GPT-3

  1. In the app.py file, import the OpenAI package and Telebot package
  2. Implement the function for calling the GPT-3 API and generating a response
  3. In the Telegram bot handling function, call the GPT-3 function and use the generated response as the bot's reply using telebot


Congratulations, you have successfully created and deployed a Telegram bot using Flask, Webhooks, and Vercel. You have also added the functionality of GPT-3 to generate responses for your bot using Telebot.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or issues. Happy coding!