
An opinionated set of bindings to the React library, optimizing for the most basic use cases

Primary LanguagePureScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

This package implements an opinionated set of bindings to the React library, optimizing for the most basic use cases.


  • All React DOM elements and attributes are supported (soon, events are a work in progress).
  • An intuitive API for specifying props - no arrays of key value pairs, just records.
  • Attributes are optional, but type-checked. It is a type error to specify href as an integer, for example.

Getting Started

You can install this package using Bower:

bower install git@github.com:lumihq/purescript-react-basic.git

Here is an example component which renders a label read from props along with a counter:

module React.Basic.Example where

import Prelude

import React.Basic (ReactComponent, react)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Events as Events

-- The props for the component
type ExampleProps =
  { label :: String

-- Create a component by passing a record to the `react` function.
-- The `render` function takes the props and current state, as well as a
-- state update callback, and produces a document.
component :: ReactComponent ExampleProps
component = react { displayName: "Counter", initialState, receiveProps, render }
    initialState =
      { counter: 0

    receiveProps _ _ _ =
      pure unit

    render props state setState =
        { onClick: Events.handler_ do
                     setState \s -> s { counter = s.counter + 1 }
        , children: [ R.text (props.label <> ": " <> show state.counter) ]

This component can be used directly from JavaScript. For example, if you are using purs-loader:

import {example as Example} from 'React.Basic.Example.purs';

const myComponent = () => (
  <Example label='Increment' />