
A backend agnostic for tabular data operations in Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaOtherNOASSERTION


Volcanito is an attempt to start standardizing the user-facing API that tables expose in Julia. Because that task is too ambitious for one person writing code in spurts every few months, the project is starting with something less ambitious:

  • Standardize on a set of user-facing macros that define primitive operations on tables:

    • @select
    • @where
    • @group_by
    • @aggregate_vector
    • @order_by
    • @limit
    • @inner_join
    • @left_join
    • @right_join
    • @outer_join
  • Lower those user-facing macros to objects that lazily represent those operations and can be used to build a simplified logical plan:

    • Select
    • Where
    • GroupBy
    • AggregateVector
    • OrderBy
    • Limit
    • Join
  • Define a basic implementation of how to carry out the logical plan in terms of primitive operations on DataFrames from DataFrames.jl.

For more details, see docs/architecture.md.


Volcanito is a project that I started to explore a few areas in the Julia data tools design space:

  • Laziness: How much value can cross-operation optimizations provide if data tools have access to a full query plan created by lazy wrappers? How many optimization opportunities does the current eager evaluation strategy leave on the table?
  • Row-Wise Semantics: Are there substantial challenges to using row-wise semantics everywhere even if DataFrames are stored as columns? Where is usability increased and where is it decreased by moving to a system in which all operations are described in terms of arbitrary Julia expressions over tuples?
  • Syntactical Optimizations : How many opportunities for optimization depend upon having access to the source syntax of an expression? For example, can we support arbitrary join predicates, but use source syntax to optimize equijoins?
  • Generic Fallbacks: How much of the data tooling can be handled generically in a way that new data formats can plug into trivially? Can we have generic definitions of nested for loop joins and hash joins that work on any source of tuples?

Example Usage

import Pkg

import DataFrames: DataFrame

import Statistics: mean

import Volcanito:

df = DataFrame(
    a = rand(10_000),
    b = rand(10_000),
    c = rand(Bool, 10_000),

@select(df, a, b, d = a + b)

@where(df, a > b)

    @group_by(df, !c),
    m_a = mean(a),
    m_b = mean(b),
    n_a = length(a),
    n_b = length(b),

@order_by(df, a + b)

@limit(df, 10)

    a = df,
    b = @aggregate_vector(
        @group_by(df, c),
        m_a = mean(a),
        m_b = mean(b),
        n_a = length(a),
        n_b = length(b),
    a.c == b.c,

@aggregate_vector(df, m = mean(a))

To make it easier to understand how things work, the examples above all exploit the fact that Volcanito's user-facing macros construct LogicalNode objects that automatically materialize the result of a query whenever Base.show is called. This makes it seem as if the user-facing macros operate eagerly, but the truth is that they operate lazily and produce LogicalNode objects rather than DataFrames. If you want to transform a LogicalNode object into a full DataFrame, you should explicitly call Volcanito.materialize.

import Pkg

import DataFrames: DataFrame

import Volcanito:

df = DataFrame(
    a = rand(10_000),
    b = rand(10_000),
    c = rand(Bool, 10_000),

plan = @select(df, a, b, d = a + b)


df = materialize(plan)


Expression Rewrites

To simplify working with data, the macros involve rewrite passes to automate several tedious users otherwise do manually.

Automatic Three-Valued Logic

Three-valued logic works even with short-circuiting Boolean operators:

import Pkg

import DataFrames: DataFrame

import Volcanito: @where

df = DataFrame(
    a = [missing, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75],
    b = [missing, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25],

function f(x)
    println("Calling f(x) on x = $x")
    x + 1

@where(df, f(a) > 1.5 && f(b) >= 1.25)

Local Variable Interpolation/Splicing

Local scalar variables can be interpolated/spliced into expressions:

import Pkg

import DataFrames: DataFrame

import Volcanito: @where

df = DataFrame(
    a = [missing, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75],
    b = [missing, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25],

let x = 0.5
    @where(df, a >= $x)

Backtick Syntax for Expressing Arbitrary Column Names

As in SQL, Volcanito allows backticks to be used to indicate that an otherwise invalid identifier is a column name. This can be used when column names are derived from an expression without an alias:

import Pkg

import DataFrames: DataFrame

import Volcanito: @select, @aggregate_vector

import Statistics: mean

df = DataFrame(
    a = rand(10_000),
    b = rand(10_000),

    @aggregate_vector(df, mean(a)),
    `mean(a)` + 1,

This trick means that the normal Julia syntax for generating a Cmd object is not available: use the @cmd macro instead to achieve the same effect.

Backtick Syntax + Interpolation for Expressing Dynamic Column Names

One challenge with metaprogramming approaches like Volcanito employs is that it can be difficult to use these techniques in functions in which the column names to be computed aginst are not known statically. To address this, Volcanito further coopts backtick syntax and combines it with interpolation syntax to make it possible to indicate that column names are dynamic and only known at runtime. An example of using this capacity in a function is shown below:

import Pkg

import DataFrames: DataFrame

import Volcanito: @select, materialize

df = DataFrame(
    a = rand(10_000),
    b = rand(10_000),

function add_columns(df, x, y)
    @select(df, new_col = `$x` + `$y`)

add_columns(df, :a, :b)

    materialize(@select(df, new_col = a + b)),
    materialize(add_columns(df, :a, :b)),