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Demonstrates an issue with the API documentation gem apipie-rails

This project has two controllers that are related, each with a POST /create action, one with a GET /index action and one with a PUT /destroy action. The controllers use the same resource_id, which groups them together, but the generated documentation does not include all the methods.

The ideal grouping looks more like github's API documentation. The github API groups many different endpoints together under one resource, such as pull requests. The github API includes these (and more) endpoints under pull requests:

  • GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls,
  • PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/merge ,
  • PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number

The routes in this project are:

       api_pull_merges GET    /api/pulls/:pull_id/merges(.:format)                 api/pulls/merges#index
                       POST   /api/pulls/:pull_id/merges(.:format)                 api/pulls/merges#create
             api_pulls POST   /api/pulls(.:format)                                 api/pulls#create
              api_pull DELETE /api/pulls/:id(.:format)                             api/pulls#destroy

When the docs are generated (rake apidocs:regenerate), only 3 of these appear in the generated api docs:

  • GET /api/pulls/:pull_id/merges
  • POST /api/pulls
  • DELETE /api/pulls/:pull_id

The second post request is missing:

  • POST /api/pulls/:pull_id/merges

The controllers:

class Api::PullsController < ApplicationController
  wrap_parameters false

  resource_description do
    name "Pull Requests"
    resource_id "Pull Requests"
    short "Manage pull requests"

  api :POST, '/api/pulls', "Create a new pull request"
  def create
    head :ok

  api :DELETE, '/api/pulls/:id', "Deletes a pull request"
  param :id, Integer, :required => true, :desc => "Which PR to nuke"
  def destroy
    head :ok
class Api::Pulls::MergesController < ApplicationController
  wrap_parameters false

  resource_description do
    resource_id "Pull Requests"

  api :GET, "/api/pulls/:pull_id/merges", "List merges for a PR"
  param :pull_id, Integer, :required => true
  def index

  api :POST, "/api/pulls/:pull_id/merges", "Merge a pull request"
  param :pull_id, Integer, :required => true
  def create
    head :ok
