Frontend Coding Interview Test

We recommend (although not required) to use the following languages, libraries, components: TypeScript, React Query or RSC, Tailwind, shadcnUI, Next.js Image component, and zod (for API output validation).

How to use

Clone using the following command:

git clone

Navigate to the frontend-test directory and run the following command:

npm install

To run the project, use the following command:

npm run dev


  1. Fetch Pokémon Data:

    • Use the Pokémon API endpoint: to fetch a list of Pokémon.
    • The API returns a JSON object with the following structure:
        count: number; // Total number of Pokémon
        next: string | null; // URL for the next page of results
        previous: string | null; // URL for the previous page of results
        results: {
          name: string;
          url: string;
        []; // List of Pokémon
  2. Create Initial Data Table:

    • Render the Pokémon in a data table with a single column:
      • Name: Display the name of the Pokémon.
    • At this stage, only the "Name" column should be populated since this is the only data available after the initial API fetch.
  3. Enhance Data Table with Additional Columns:

    • For each Pokémon in the table, use the url provided in the results to fetch additional details from each Pokémon's individual endpoint.
      • The API returns a JSON object with the following structure:
        id: number;
        sprites: {
          front_default: string;
        } // Image URLs
        types: {
          slot: number;
          type: {
            name: string;
    • Add two new columns to the data table:
      • Image: Fetch and display each Pokémon's image (sprite).
      • Types: Fetch and display each Pokémon's types.
  4. Pagination or Infinite Scroll:

    • Implement either pagination or infinite scrolling to allow fetching and displaying the next set of Pokémon using the next property from the API response.
    • If pagination is chosen, provide controls to navigate between pages.
    • If infinite scrolling is chosen, automatically fetch and display the next set of Pokémon as the user scrolls down.
  5. Skeleton Loading State:

    • Render a skeleton data table while the API data is being fetched.
    • Style the skeleton table to match the design of the final data table (e.g. using the same colors, column widths, etc.).
    • The table must cleary indicate that the data is being fetched (e.g. with animated skeleton elements).