
Website for the devMode.fm podcast

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


About nystudio107/devmode

This is the source code to the devMode.fm website, which is the home for the devMode.fm podcast. It's MIT licensed, so you can do what you like with it, providing the copyright notice & license stay intact.

Pull Requests are welcome, and Issues are welcome as well.

Google PageSpeed Insights

The project is based on Craft CMS using a unique templates/_boilerplate system for web/AJAX/AMP pages, and implements a number of technologies/techniques:

...and probably a bunch of other stuff too.

The following Craft CMS plugins are used on this site:

  • Disqus - for the Disqus comment handling, async loaded
  • FastCGI Cache Bust - to bust the FastCGI cache whenever entries are modified
  • iCalendar - for parsing the ICS calendar feed from Trello
  • ImageOptimize - for the optimized images and srcsets used on the site
  • Minify - to minify the HTML and inline JS/CSS
  • Retour - for setting up 404 redirects
  • SEOmatic - for handling site-side SEO
  • Transcoder - for transcoding the uploaded podcast audio into a format that's optimized for size & quality
  • Twigpack - for loading webpack-generated manifest.json resources in a modern way
  • Typogrify - for smart quotes and other typographic ligatures
  • Webperf - for monitoring web performance

You can read more about it in the Setting up a New Craft 3 CMS Project article.


cd /home/forge/devmode.fm
git pull origin master
composer install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader
echo "" | sudo -S service php7.1-fpm reload

About Craft CMS

Craft is a content-first CMS that aims to make life enjoyable for developers and content managers alike. It is optimized for bespoke web and application development, offering developers a clean slate to build out exactly what they want, rather than wrestling with a theme.

Learn more about Craft at craftcms.com.


  • Move to containerized builds in buddy.works & atomic deployments
  • Move to Amazon S3 for assets, and utilize Cloudfront as well
  • Convert local development over to Docker