
filename notes
msgraph-create-group.ps1 this function uses basic Invoke-WebRequest with clientid/clientsecret to acquire app-only permission to access Groups on MSGraph. Same approach for most endpoints on MSGraph.
sharepoint-create-site.ps1 this function uses PnP-PowerShell to create SharePoint sites and provision them with template.
sharepoint-library-checkin.ps1 this function uses PnP-PowerShell to find checkedout files in a library and check them all in
sharepoint-search.js this function uses adal-node with clientid/clientcertificate to acquire app-only permission to SharePoint Online.
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sample-swagger.json this is a sample swagger.json file that you can use to see how to build one for yourself. Swagger file is important for PowerApps and Flow to integrate well with Functions.
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msgraph-create-group-pnp.ps1 this function uses PnP-PowerShell (March 2017) to authenticate and talk to UnifiedGroups
sharepoint-list-email.ps1 this function uses PnP-PowerShell to obtain list of documents, format to HTML table and send email summary
sharepoint-sp-pnp-js.js this function uses PnP-JS-Core and Node-SP-Auth to authenticate then talk to SharePoint Online
sharepoint-terms.ps1 this function uses PnP-PowerShell (Feb 2017) to obtain terms from SharePoint
sharepoint-copy-library.ps1 this function uses PnP-PowerShell to copy one document library to another. Note - 5min timeout applies to all functions. Consider spliting list to Azure Queue and each copy is an individual Function.


All scripts after Feb 2017 has been updated to re-use PnP-PowerShell module from a common shared directory.

Import-Module "D:\home\site\wwwroot\modules\SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline.psd1" -Global;

This simplifies updating the PnP cmdlets as well as keeping costs down on storage. If your shared path is different, change that import accordingly.

What about delegate permission

The only delegate permission example I have is via Resource Owner grant (password grant):

For more general purpose scenario - impersonate the current user via delegate, you'll need essentially several functions to capture and store access token via the consent dialog, and a blob storage to keep them.

Luckily, @dougware has built such a set of library available at: