$ go get github.com/johnny-morrice/amoebethics
$ go install github.com/johnny-morrice/amoebethics...
- Sheeple (fully impressionable, random walk)
- Shy (Expresses only when expressed to)
- Conservative (Fixed belief, limited expression)
- Activist (Very mobile, high expression)
- Contrarian (Expresses opposite of received expressions)
- Politician (Express popular beliefs)
- Rebel (Expresses unpopular belief)
- Chugger (Activist with repulsion field)
- Celebrity (Activist with attraction field)
- Media
- Taboos and dog whistles. Cannot express belief x; allow formation of "believe x, express d" pairs
- Impressionability. Some nodes follow, others resist, others negate.
- Simulation of age groups: younger is more impressionable and more extreme
- Endogenous Media: Murdoch-nodes with huge radii.
- Violence. Vicious cycle of polarisation
- Internal inconsistency. Both A & ~A.
- Sim environment variables: poverty, perceived threat to beliefs (from tv)
- Parliament.
- What are the attractors? Do two tribes emerge? Two parties?