Kubernetes Example Cluster

This is the repository for the main example cluster described in the book, "Cloud Native Applications with Docker and Kubernetes" by Jonathan Bartlett.

To run this cluster

  • Create a Kubernetes cluster (on Linode.com, for instance)
  • export the environment variable KUBECONFIG to point to the kubeconfig file for the cluster.
  • Install the main application: kubectl apply -f .
  • Install the environment-specific configurations: kubectl apply -f environments/production
  • Install the secrets: kubectl apply -f secrets
  • Install the nginx Ingress: kubectl apply -f https://bit.ly/ingress_nginx_1_2_0

Other Branches

Other branches have other versions of the cluster:

  • The simple-cluster branch has the code from Chapter 9, "Basic Kubernetes Management."
  • The server-source branch has the Sinatra code to create the API service.
  • The frontend-html branch has the HTML code for the frontend.