
Learning SolidJS, Drizzle, Effect (hopefully), experimenting with pure css (instead of Tailwind), and hopefully more.

Primary LanguageCSS

Learning Repo

Using this as an opportunity to learn a bunch of the best and latest technologies. Planned for now is SolidJS and SolidStart, Drizzle, Effect, TRPC, and AuthJS. I'm also experimenting with a pure CSS design system instead of using TailwindCSS or something like Bootstrap.


The last ORM I used was Sequelize. And before that it was ActiveRecord. It worked great for me at the time, but that was before TypeScript. Drizzle seems to be the newest and hottest ORM and I'm hoping that, like Solid, it's taken all the lessons learned from the past however many years and solved them in a good clean way, without the legacy baggage that comes with a long-lived library.


I remember when I started learning to code; it was just the basic primitives, conditionals, and loops. I thought "great, but how do I take all that and make a web app??" I then went to a Bootcamp and learned Ruby on Rails, and how to use these primitives and frameworks to build a web app. Effect feels like the same jump in learning: from the basics to the advanced, safe, robust, and performant things needed for a proper production app.


I've heard about it and it seems to unify the type-safety of the backend and frontend. It may also make it the frontend-backend connection easier and more obvious to the developer. I don't know yet, but I'm excited to find out.

Design System

My idea here is to define the stylings for buttons, forms, and other elements on the base level. I want to use class names for variants only. I hope to keep things as simple as possible here to keep the component code as simple as possible too. I also hope to use the CSS Grid, sub-grids, and the @container queries as much as possible to learn those better as well.