
Session 11 - WPF Exercise

There are two classes in the program, one for the student model and another for the data service (which emulates fetching data).

Using the methods and code provided complete the WPF UI components to make it have the following features and functionality:

  1. When a user presses the Get Students, it should call the appropriate methods in the service to retrieve and display the students in the list.

  2. Update the student model to have a custom "ToString()" method that allows the listbox to display the student with more accurate data representation in string.

  3. Selecting a Student in the list updates the text boxes and combo drop down box to display the correct data for that selected student.

  4. Changing the combo box selection should update the current selected student (If there is one selected) and update that students enrolment status.

  5. Add a "Save" button that allows you to update the Students records using the textboxes provided.

  6. Insert an "Add" button that takes the textbox data that the user has entered and combo box selection and creates a new user in the data service by calling the Add Student method.

  7. Update the UI after this to make sure the correct student data is being shown to the user (See step 1)

  8. Add Validation to Step 6 to make sure that the user has entered data into those textboxes and an item is selected from the drop down combo box.