
A curated collection of JS practice problems

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JS Training

What is this?

This repository is a robust answer to the question "how do I get better at JavaScript?" Here you'll find a curated collection of JavaScript problems aggregated from a number of excellent resources, including:

How do I set this up?

  1. Clone the project repository
  2. Navigate into the newly-created directory and install all dependencies by running npm install
  3. Navigate into the project folder
  4. To open the application: run npm start. This will run the app locally in a new browser tab pointing to http://localhost:4200/
  5. In sandbox.js, either copy and paste code from a subdirectory or directly import content using JS Module syntax. In every file, there are a number of challenges and some code that may be uncommented or commented. Uncommented code is starter code; commented code is there to test your solution

How do I find challenges on specific JavaScript concepts?

The files are organized by source not topic, so the best way to find practice problems of a given concept is to either search by file or globally (ctrl + p and ctrl + shift + f in Visual Studio Code, respectively) for the term you're interested in ('closure', 'reduce', 'async', etc.)

Any other recommendations to bolster my JS skills?

  • Mozilla Developer Network : also known as MDN, this page offers precise documentation on how JavaScript and other web technologies work along with a myriad of tutorials

  • You Don't Know JS : a series of in-depth books on the core mechanisms of JavaScript (free to read online) by Kyle Simpson

  • Syntax : a free weekly podcast about all things web development by Scott Tolinski and Wes Bos