
John Noble's résumé.


John Noble – résumé, August 2022

My résumé is available:

The content is identical. The current version is 2208.02 which was updated at 2022-08-25 14:44.


How do I contact you?

If we haven't already spoken, please call me. My number is +61 415 658 257.

My email address is john[at]coruscade[.]com.

What is your availability?

I am available from the middle of October 2022.

I can work for you for 4 days a week, from Tuesday to Friday.

Can I do [anything] to this document?

No. This document directly represents who I am. Please don't change it.

I am happy to create a version for you. Perhaps you want your logo on it, or you want a version without my contact details. That's cool. Get in touch.

May I have this as a Word document?

No. :-)

I'm not being awkward1, there just isn't a Word version. The master is written in Markdown, which GitHub then makes look nice. The PDF was created from the Markdown using Marked 2.

I strongly believe in the concept of separating content from presentation, which is one of the reasons I prefer not to use Word.

As per the note above, you may not copy/paste this content in to a Word document.


All content in this repository (johnnydecimal/resume) is copyright 2022 John Noble.


  1. Okay maybe I am just a little bit.