Git the Web Forward

The CS 171 Group Project created by

Jennifer Le Hegaret, Zona Kostic, and John Greeley

Welcome to the GitHub Repository for the CS171 Final Project, Git the Web Forward.

Our project is published at

Our screencast video may be viewed from this page.

Less Obvious Features of the Visualization

As you enjoy our visualization, please note that filters you add will update the URL, and that you can return almost to the exact view you create by bookmarking the page with its URL at that point in time. (The radial tree does not currently accept zoom parameters upon initialization, all other parameters are respected).

Also, you can use the regular "Find" function within the webpage to find an contributor listed anywhere in the Contributors list, even if not currently visible on the screen.

Lastly, we would like to mention the absence of something - huge lag. Despite the fact that we have thousands of data points represented four times over, our webpage is remarkably responsive. We would like to give John Greeley full credit for that!
