Really simple gem that allows you to send email through amazon simple email service.
gem install amazon_ses
Usage: require ‘rubygems’ require ‘amazon_ses’
# all methods return a raw http response object # to get the xml just call body on the return object from any of # the following methods. # Exceptions will be throw on any api call that doesn’t result in # a 200 OK response from amazon. # you must have a verified address with amazon to send mail AmazonSES::Verify.address(“”,amazon_secret,amazon_key)
# after verifying the address you can send mail
# simple send mail text only AmazonSES::AmzMail.send(from,to,subject,body,secret,key) # send html email AmazonSES::AmzMail.send_html(from,to,subject,body,secret,key) # if you produce your own email via the mail gem you can pass the result of calling to_s on the mail object # to the following method AmazonSES::AmzMail.send_raw(mail_string,amazon_secret,amazon_key)
# the following are two methods for getting stats
puts AmazonSES::Stats.send_quota(amazon_secret,amazon_key).body puts AmazonSES::Stats.send_stats(amazon_secret,amazon_key).body
# the following is a helper object for looking at your stats
stobj =,amazon_key) puts stobj.sent_last_24_hours puts stobj.reached_quota?
Hope you enjoy the Gem. If anyone wants to write a plugin for rails I would link definately link to it and find it useful.
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Copyright © 2011 jeff durand. See LICENSE for details.