
Pokemon Trainer Showcase

This was a project created to showcase the team leaders for the game Pokemon GO. The main idea I was shooting for was to give it a modern video game type feel, reminescent of the old-school quarter arcades.

languages used: HTML, CSS, Javascript.

I added plenty of animations to give it a game-type feel. The actual team leader pages were given a slight pause on the main content to make it seem like the game was "loading" The initial index page shows a blinking header, similar to the old quarter arcades where the title is constantly blinking, waiting for a new player to insert their quarter. If you wait a little bit on the index page, an image will fade in at the bottom if the player can't make a decision on which team they'd like to choose.

Future plans for this project:

-There is a CORS issue with the shaking masterball on the team leader pages. Need to check if it's a browser or an API issue. This might just be removed. -random pokemon generator for the team leaders so it's not set to just those 3 pokemon.