IOTA project

The project we did in USC Blockathon 2019

What is IOTA

IOTA is an Open-Source Distributed Ledger. The first open-source distributed ledger that is being built to power the future of the Internet of Things with feeless microtransactions and data integrity for machines.


Surfing the web is part of everyone's daily life. But many factors can decrease the security of the web surfing experience, such as pop-up ads and malicious link redirections. We want to provide a solution to increase the security of Internet browsing by leveraging the IOTA blockchain structure.

What it does

Our project creates a blockchain structure which encapsulates a website and the sub-websites that it can be redirected to.

Businesses register with the government to prove the legality and authenticity of their website. Following the registration, businesses receive their unique business ID. This governmental business registration guarantees both the legality and security of the website, thereby replacing the need of 3rd party certifications.

They, then connect their server to IOTA's blockchain by providing it with their business ID and a list of trusted websites users can be redirected to. Only sites on this list can be accessed; users cannot access malicious sites since these are not on the trusted list.

Using a private blockchain structure, businesses will also need to validate the registration of their site with IOTA using a password. This password will be required every time a new block is added to the chain; others who don't hold the password cannot add to the chain. This will also increase the security of the websites.