
Designed a full stack application which returns an infinite-scrolling list of trending products to the user.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

About The Project: Trending Products

Assume the customers around a campus order 5000 orders a day from 50 local restaurants. Each order contains one or multiple products. For eg, 2 burritos, a soda, and a side of chips. To provide a better user experience for users to choose their meals, I designed a full stack application which returns an infinite-scrolling list of trending products to the user. The definition of trending product here is purchased at least once in last 48 hours. This full-Stack solution including web server, backend persistence and associated code.


The sample data I used is here Sample Orders.





Frontend: React
Backend: Node.js, Express.js
Database: MongoDB

I imported the sample data into MongoDB and used Node.js(Express.js, Mongoose) to query the data, and generated a RESTful API to display the data. Next, I developed a frontend using React (React-bootstrap) to fetch the data and created this full-stack application.

To run the app, for the backend server, under the "backend" folder, run "npm start" and open http://localhost:5000/orders and see the API. For the frontend, under the root folder and run "npm install" and "npm start" and open http://localhost:3000/ to see the app.