Full Stack Web Development Project: Ko & Company

Demo link: https://johnnyko.herokuapp.com/


It is an online shopping website. Use NodeJS to write server-side JavaScript, Express and MongoDB to create full-stack JS applications. I spent one month taking the online course (https://www.udemy.com/the-web-developer-bootcamp) and made this new web project.

Initial Setup

  • Add Landing Page
  • Add Campgrounds Page that lists all campgrounds

Each Campground has:

  • Name
  • Image

Layout and Basic Styling

  • Create our header and footer partials
  • Add in Bootstrap

Creating New Campgrounds

  • Setup new campground POST route
  • Add in body-parser
  • Setup route to show form
  • Add basic unstyled form

Style the campgrounds page

  • Add a better header/title
  • Make campgrounds display in a grid

Style the Navbar and Form

  • Add a navbar to all templates
  • Style the new campground form

Add Mongoose

  • Install and configure Mongoose
  • Setup campground model
  • Use campground model inside of our routes

Show Page

  • Review the RESTful routes we've seen so far
  • Add description to our campground model
  • Show db.collection.drop()
  • Add a show route/template

Refactor Mongoose Code

  • Create a models directory
  • Use module.exports
  • VRequire everything correctly!

Add Seeds File

  • Add a seeds.js file
  • Run the seeds file every time the server starts

Add the Comment model!

  • Make our errors go away!
  • Display comments on campground show page

Comment New/Create

  • Discuss nested routes
  • Add the comment new and create routes
  • Add the new comment form

Style Show Page

  • Add sidebar to show page
  • Display comments nicely

Finish Styling Show Page

  • Add public directory
  • Add custom stylesheet

Auth Pt. 1 - Add User Model

  • Install all packages needed for auth
  • Define User model

Auth Pt. 2 - Register

  • Configure Passport
  • Add register routes
  • Add register template

Auth Pt. 3 - Login

  • Add login routes VAdd login template

Auth Pt. 4 - Logout/Navbar

  • Add logout route
  • Prevent user from adding a comment if not signed in
  • Add links to navbar

Auth Pt. 5 - Show/Hide Links

  • Show/hide auth links in navbar

Refactor The Routes

  • Use Express router to reoragnize all routes

Users + Comments

  • Associate users and comments
  • Save author's name to a comment automatically

Users + Campgrounds

  • Prevent an unauthenticated user from creating a campground
  • Save username+id to newly created campground