

The goal of this project is to create a heat circuit using the BeagleBone Black that can be toggled on and off remotely using RESTful APIs. The BeagleBone can only deliver about 3.3V @ 6mA from its GPIO pins.

So, using Ohm's law, we know that the maximum resistance R = V/I so 3.3 / 0.006 = 550 Ohms. This will also only put out about a 20th of a watt of power so it won't be the greatest heater. And really, you'll want to go lower than the maximum to avoid damaging things. so closer to 4-5 mA would be safer.

A better design would be to use an external power source and use a transistor or MOSFET to drive the heating source.


Required Hardware

  • BeagleBone Black with Ethernet or WiFi enabled
  • 47 Ohm Resistor
  • 680 Ohm Resistor
  • TMP36 Temperature Sensor
  • BC550 Transistor
  • 5mm LED Diode
  • Jumper Wires

BeagleBone Circuit

API Documentation

Path: /api/temp

Sends temperature value in Fahrenheit

Path: /api/heat/off

Force heat off

Path: /api/heat/on

Force heat on
