Moneytree Light App


  • Implement the data story, put the json files in assets

  • Implement the user stories(1 and 2)


  • Use the concept of clean architecture to organize the app into 3 layers.

  • Use MvRx and Epoxy for the sake of aligning with MoneyTree's tech stack.

  • Codebase structure is as follows:

    • data - data models and repositories
    • domain - data models, data mapping, and business logic
    • presentation - view models, view data mapping, activity, fragments, and controllers
    • viewmodel - viewmodels for MvRx
    • util - utility classes
    • app - Android application class
  • Tests are in test and androidTest. Some tests need Android application context to load files in assets.

  • Total balance on account screen does not have currency, as there are different currencies in the list.

  • Use json data for both production and test for the sake of simplicity, test data should be separate in reality.

  • Accessibility is skipped due to time constraint, I do have experience implementing and testing accessibility on TalkBack.