
Bindings for using Formik with Material-UI

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Formik Material-UI

Bindings for using Formik with Material-UI.

Getting Started

Install the package as a dependency to your project (yarn or npm).

yarn add formik-material-ui

Then, import the components you need to use with Formik in the file you have your form component set up. The components avaliable are:

  • Checkbox & CheckboxWithLabel
  • RadioGroup
  • Select
  • SimpleFileUpload
  • Switch
  • TextField

In this case we will use <TextField />.

import { Formik, Field, Form } from 'formik';
+ import { TextField } from 'formik-material-ui';

Next, in your Formik form component, pass this <TextField /> component as the component prop of the Formik <Field /> component:

+ component={TextField}

Now you can add any of the Material UI props to the <Field /> component and <TextField /> will be able to accept them.

+ margin="normal"
+ fullWidth


  • Convenience: This project containis mostly the tedious wrapper code needed to convert the formik field props to Material UI shapes. Which is why certain assumptions are made (See below). The mapping functions are exported so you can build on top of them for more specialized behavior

Form Behaviour Assumptions

  • Errors are only displayed on touched/dirty fields
  • Fields are disabled during submission
  • All form state is managed to Formik, so props such as name, onChange and value are excluded from the typescript types. Note: if you are using js this does not prevent you from providing these props but here be dragons.

Non Goals

  • Negate the need to import Material UI directly or create custom components


Custom onChange

import MuiTextField from '@material-ui/core/TextField';
import {fieldToTextField, TextField, TextFieldProps} from 'formik-material-ui';
const UppercasingTextField = (props: TextFieldProps) => (
    onChange={event => {
      const {value} = event.target;
        value ? value.toUpperCase() : ''

Composing mappers

import {fieldToTextField} from 'formik-material-ui';

<Field name="name" render={(props) => (
    <Comp1 {...fieldToTextField(props)} />
    <Comp2 {...fieldToTextField(props)} />
)} />


yarn install
yarn storybook

Running tests

yarn prepublishOnly