Refined monokai color scheme for vim.
- The colour palette from sickill/vim-monokai.
vim-plug (recommend)
Plug 'crusoexia/vim-monokai'
Download the colors/monokai.vim file, move it into your ~/.vim/syntax/ folder.
Copy below command to your ~/.vimrc
syntax on
colorscheme monokai
set t_Co=256 " vim-monokai now only support 256 colours in terminal.
By default the gui enables italic but terminal. They both can be configured.
If you are using a font support italic, paste below command in .vimrc
to turn on terminal italic:
let g:monokai_term_italic = 1
let g:monokai_gui_italic = 1
For javascript development, it is recommend to install below plugins:
vim-javascript, which provide features such as param syntax highlight, function assignment identifier highlight ( just as the screenshots ).
vim-javascript-lib, which is the companion of vim-javascript, provide the popular javascript libraries key word highlight, such as underscore and Backbone.