
OnTheMap is an iOS app developed in Swift 2.2 as the 3rd project in the Udacity iOS Developer Nanodegree program.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


OnTheMap is an iOS app developed in Swift 2.2 that posts user-generated location information to a shared map, pulling the locations of Udacity Nanodegree students, with custom messages about themselves or their learning experience. The locations are listed as both a MapView and a ListView.

This app allows the user to login using either their Undacity Login or Facebook Login credentials.

OnTheMap was developed to meet the specifications for the 3rd project in the Udacity iOS Developer Nanodegree program.


Step 1 - Download or Clone the respository

$ git clone https://github.com/johnnyparham/On-The-Map

Step 2 - Open the project in Xcode

$ open "OnTheMap.xcodeproj"

Step 3 - Build the app in your simulator
