
leetcode solutions & notes

Primary LanguageC++

Leetcode Solutions

Update time: 2019-07-25 01:47:33

Auto created by leetcode_generate modified from bonfy/leetcode

88 / 1059 problems solved!

165 problems locked.

# Title Source Code Note Difficulty
1 Two Sum Cpp Easy
2 Add Two Numbers Cpp Medium
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Cpp Medium
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Cpp Hard
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Cpp Medium
6 ZigZag Conversion Cpp Medium
7 Reverse Integer Cpp Easy
8 String to Integer (atoi) Cpp Medium
9 Palindrome Number Cpp Easy
10 Regular Expression Matching Cpp Hard
11 Container With Most Water Cpp Medium
12 Integer to Roman Cpp Medium
13 Roman to Integer Cpp Easy
14 Longest Common Prefix Cpp Easy
15 3Sum Cpp Medium
16 3Sum Closest Cpp Medium
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Cpp Note Medium
18 4Sum Cpp Note Medium
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List Cpp Note Medium
20 Valid Parentheses Cpp Note Easy
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Cpp Easy
22 Generate Parentheses Cpp Medium
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Cpp Hard
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs Cpp Note Medium
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Cpp Hard
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Cpp Easy
27 Remove Element Cpp Easy
28 Implement strStr() Cpp Easy
29 Divide Two Integers Cpp Note Medium
30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words Cpp Note Hard
32 Longest Valid Parentheses Cpp Hard
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Cpp Medium
34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Cpp Note Medium
35 Search Insert Position Cpp Easy
36 Valid Sudoku Cpp Medium
37 Sudoku Solver Cpp Hard
38 Count and Say Cpp Easy
39 Combination Sum Cpp Note Medium
40 Combination Sum II Cpp Medium
41 First Missing Positive Cpp Note Hard
42 Trapping Rain Water Cpp Hard
43 Multiply Strings Cpp Medium
44 Wildcard Matching Cpp Hard
45 Jump Game II Cpp Hard
46 Permutations Cpp Medium
47 Permutations II Cpp Medium
48 Rotate Image Cpp Medium
49 Group Anagrams Cpp Medium
50 Pow(x, n) Cpp Medium
51 N-Queens Cpp Hard
52 N-Queens II Cpp Hard
53 Maximum Subarray Cpp Easy
54 Spiral Matrix Cpp Medium
55 Jump Game Cpp Medium
56 Merge Intervals Cpp Medium
57 Insert Interval Cpp Hard
58 Length of Last Word Cpp Easy
59 Spiral Matrix II Cpp Medium
60 Permutation Sequence Cpp Medium
61 Rotate List Cpp Medium
62 Unique Paths Cpp Medium
63 Unique Paths II Cpp Medium
64 Minimum Path Sum Cpp Medium
66 Plus One Cpp Easy
67 Add Binary Cpp Easy
70 Climbing Stairs Cpp Easy
73 Set Matrix Zeroes Cpp Medium
74 Search a 2D Matrix Cpp Medium
75 Sort Colors Cpp Medium
91 Decode Ways Cpp Note Medium
106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal Cpp Medium
115 Distinct Subsequences Cpp Hard
141 Linked List Cycle Cpp Easy
142 Linked List Cycle II Cpp Medium
168 Excel Sheet Column Title Cpp Easy
217 Contains Duplicate Cpp Easy
237 Delete Node in a Linked List Cpp Easy
289 Game of Life Cpp Medium
315 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self Cpp Hard
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II Cpp Easy
375 Guess Number Higher or Lower II Cpp Note Medium
406 Queue Reconstruction by Height Cpp Medium
424 Longest Repeating Character Replacement Cpp Medium
720 Longest Word in Dictionary Cpp Easy
777 Toeplitz Matrix Cpp Easy
893 All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree Cpp Medium
1031 Add to Array-Form of Integer Cpp Easy
1115 Valid Boomerang Cpp Easy