
[WIP] A 100% mobile-first, responsive UI library for building ambitious Ember applications with Tachyons

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


100% mobile-first, responsive UI library for building ambitious Ember applications.


ember install ember-tachyons-components


Flag Object
{{#t-flag-object collapse="m" as |t|}}
  {{#t.inner maxWidth="5"}}
    <img src="/img/super-wide.jpg" alt="A bright blue sky" />
    <p class="lh-copy">
      For desktop, this text is vertically aligned middle, no matter what the height of the image is.
      On mobile, this is a paragraph below an image.
property values default behavior
collapse s,m,none none Specify which viewport the flag object collapses.
maxWidth 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,none none Specify the max width of the object.
{{#t-card border="none" as |t|}}
  {{t.avatar borderRadius="circle" src="/img/avatar_1.jpg"}}
    Mimi Whitehouse
  {{t.hr borderColor="black-10"}}
    Quite affectionate and outgoing.
    She loves to get chin scratches and will roll around on the floor waiting for you give her more of them.
property values default behavior
border solid,dashed,dotted,none solid Specify border style
borderWidth 1,2,3,4,5 1 Specify border width
borderRadius 0,1,2,3,4,5,circle Card: 2, Avatar: circle Specify the border radius of the card or avatar
borderColor See all color names black-10 Specify the border color for the card