Help on module CerfonFreidberg: NAME CerfonFreidberg FILE /home/jomotani/Pedestal/CerfonFreidbergGeometry/ DESCRIPTION # Compute poloidal flux function Psi from analytic Grad-Shafranov solutions in # Cerfon & Freidberg, Physics of Plasmas 17, 032502 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3328818 # Matlab implementation of solutions for c1..c12 by James Cook <> (2013) # Python implementation by John Omotani <> (2015) CLASSES CerfonFreidberg class CerfonFreidberg | x and y are normalised coordinates, x=R/R0 and y=Z/R0 | epsi is the inverse aspect ratio | kapp is the elongation | delt is the triangularity | xsep, ysep are the coordinates of the X-point (ysep<0 by assumption) | qsta is 'q_*' as defined in the Cerfon & Freidberg paper; it is not actually used here | A is a parameter whose value determines the toroidal beta of the equilibrium (see C&F) | R0 is the nominal major radius of the plasma | B0 is the vacuum magnetic field at R0 | | Methods defined here: | | BR(self) | Returns a function that evaluates the R component the magnetic field at (R,Z) | | BZ(self) | Returns a function that evaluates the Z component the magnetic field at (R,Z) | | Bp(self) | Returns a function that evaluates the poloidal magnetic field at (R,Z) | | Bp_symbolic(self, R, Z) | Returns a sympy expression for the poloidal magnetic field in terms of x and y | | Bt(self) | Returns a function that evaluates the toroidal magnetic field at (R,Z) | | Bt_symbolic(self, R, Z) | Returns a sympy expression for the toroidal magnetic field in terms of x and y | | Psi(self) | Returns a function that evaluates the poloidal flux Psi at (R,Z) | | betat(self) | Returns the toroidal beta | | calculateAAndPsi0FromBetatAndCurrent(self, betat, I) | Iteratively calculate the integration constant A and the value of Psi0 from toroidal beta, betat, and plasma current, I. | | calculateAAndPsi0FromBetatAndq(self, betat, q, psiVal) | Iteratively calculate the integration constant A and the value of Psi0 from toroidal beta, betat, and the safety factor, q on a specified flux surface with psi of psiVal. | | calculateCp(self) | Calculates the normalised plasma circumference Cp | | calculatePsi0FromBetat(self, betat) | Calculates Psi0 given an input toroidal beta | | calculatePsi0FromCurrent(self, I) | Calculates Psi0 given a value for the plasma current | | current(self) | Calculate the plasma current from the equilibrium. | | dBpdR(self) | Returns a function that evaluates the R derivative of the poloidal magnetic field at (R,Z) | | dBpdZ(self) | Returns a function that evaluates the Z derivative of the poloidal magnetic field at (R,Z) | | dBtdR(self) | Returns a function that evaluates the R derivative of the toroidal magnetic field at (R,Z) | | dBtdZ(self) | Returns a function that evaluates the Z derivative of the toroidal magnetic field at (R,Z) | | dPsidR(self) | Returns a function that evaluates the R-derivative of the poloidal flux dPsi/dR at (R,Z) | | dPsidZ(self) | Returns a function that evaluates the Z-derivative of the poloidal flux dPsi/dZ at (R,Z) | | getAxis(self) | Finds the maximum of Psi, which is the magnetic axis. Sets the values of Raxis, Zaxis and Psiaxis, and also returns them. | | getFluxSurfaceGrid(self, psiNGrid, thetaGrid) | Take 1d arrays of normalised flux, psiNGrid, and poloidal angle (centred on the magnetic axis), thetaGrid, | and return a 2d arrays giving major radius, R[ipsi,itheta], and height, Z[ipsi,itheta], the Cartesian | coordinates in the poloidal plane, and also the minor radius, r[ipsi,itheta], of the logically rectangular | psiNGrid*thetaGrid grid. | | getMinorRadiusGrid(self, theta, psiNGrid, rguess=None) | Find the minor radius for an array of psiN at some angle theta | | init(self, epsi, kapp, delt, xsep, ysep, A, R0, B0, Psi0=None) | Initialize by giving desired parameter values. Psi0 can be calculated from other quantities, e.g. toroidal beta, if not already known | | initByName(self, machineName) | Initialize using parameters representative of machines: | "ITER": See R Aymar, Barabaschi and Shimomura 2002 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44 519 | "NSTX": ??? Ono, Masayuki, S. M. Kaye, Y-KM Peng, G. Barnes, W. Blanchard, M. D. Carter, J. Chrzanowski et al. "Exploration of spherical torus physics in the NSTX device." Nuclear Fusion 40, no. 3Y (2000): 557. | | initPlotting(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) | Set limits for plotting of flux surfaces, in x,y coordinates. | | p(self) | Returns a function that evaluates the pressure at (R,Z) | | plotFluxSurfaces(self) | Plot the flux surfaces from computed solutions. | | q(self, psiVal) | Calculate safety factor, q for some psi-surface | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data and other attributes defined here: | | integrationGridSize = 1000
Python class to calculate tokamak equilibria using the analytic solutions described in Cerfon&Freidberg (2010)