Experiments in text localization and detection in raw manga scans. Mostly using OpenCV python API.
- abhinavprinceGuwahati
- adammathes
- arnaud-zgWork From Anywhere
- atsusihiba
- baerrach
- bduyngDa Nang, Viet Nam
- chin8628Thoughtworks
- gotomypc
- greenandro
- HaughtyEyes
- HugoLG
- jincheng95London
- JohnDoee
- KyubiSystemsLeicester, UK
- luis-wang
- lxj0276china
- mason2012
- mrvgaoJohns Hopkins
- naafx8
- perpritSeoul, Korea
- pkt
- redareadyAix en provence, France <-> Tokyo, Japan
- sangcomz@Coupang
- schneckenschnabel
- Sean8694Beijing
- sijia-chenXPeng
- The-GuptaBosch
- tuanle259
- tweinyanhangzhou
- UdonDaThe University of Tokyo
- w5688414
- wildtype
- xiaohuiz
- yizhichun
- zarazi
- ZHANG-zqGuangzhou