Starter Code for Pluralsight Course "JavaScript Build Automation with Gulp.js"
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Test task is failed: you need to implement some adapter that implements __karma__.start method
#37 opened by sivakishorejvv - 0
Continuously loading Files
#40 opened by KevinSRobinson - 2
gulp-useref.assets is not a function
#34 opened by BrandonSchreck - 2
bower_components folder is not part of the start-up code provided by John or in the
#31 opened by Dcolonel6 - 0
- 1
Where is gulp.on() in the API?
#30 opened by evilgeniuscreative - 3
Don't cleaning when i add the callback done.
#24 opened by HectorLS - 2
Gulp-inject error for version 4.0.0
#33 opened by chsakell - 1
Brackets use of JSHint and JSCS
#10 opened by swaggerloaf - 4
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gulp-jscs requires reporter
#36 opened by a2k42 - 0
How do you setup Browserify in an AngularJS folder by feature project using Gulp?
#35 opened by mtpultz - 1
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NODE_ENV undefined
#32 opened by harksha - 4
Cannot find module 'q'
#7 opened by mb2o - 5
gulp-nodemon - watch not working
#8 opened by kevinsherman - 6
Windows Enviroment: useref not injecting the files that are in "bower_components"
#12 opened by eliashdezr - 0
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Injection CSS with Browser-sync
#13 opened by leonardollobato - 2
gulp is not set as devdependency in package.json?
#14 opened by cnweibo - 1
gulp-filter and gulp-csso
#20 opened - 0
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GIT error when running npm install on windows
#17 opened by hchouhan - 2
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gulp wiredep cmd not injecting bootstrap.css
#15 opened by calebbergman