Time-Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey


Recent advances in data collection technology, accompanied by the ever-rising volume and velocity of streaming data, underscore the vital need for time-series analytics. In this regard, time-series anomaly detection has been an important task, entailing various applications in fields such as cyber security, financial markets, and health care. While traditional literature on anomaly detection is centered on statistical measures, the increasing number of machine learning algorithms in recent years call for a structured, general characterization of the research methods for time-series anomaly detection. This survey groups and summarizes existing anomaly detection solutions under a novel process-centric taxonomy in the time series context. In addition, we perform a meta-analysis of the literature, outline trends, and discuss progress toward benchmarking time-series anomaly detection methods.


  1. Taxonomy
  2. Table
  3. Reference
  4. Contributors

1. Time-Series Anomaly Detection Taxonomy

We divide methods into three core categories: (i) Distance-based, (ii) Density-based, and (iii) Prediction-based. The distance-based family contains methods that focus on analyzing sub-sequences to detect anomalies in time series, mainly by utilizing distance measures to a given model. Instead of measuring nearest-neighbor distances, density-based methods focus on detecting globally normal distributions and isolated behaviors. The prediction-based methods aim to train a model (on anomaly-free time series) to reconstruct the normal data or predict the future expected normal points. In the following sections, we break down each category into subcategories. The figure above illustrates our proposed process-centric taxonomy. Note that the second-level categorization is not mutually exclusive. A model might compress the time series data while adopting a discord-based identification strategy. In this case, the model falls within two different sub-categories. In the table of methods, only one of the second-level will be listed to give a clearer representation. We provide below a detailed taxonomy of methods proposed in the literature.

1. Table of Methods

  • Notation: I: Univariate, M: Multivariate; S: Supervised, Se: Semi-Supervised and U: Unsupervised.

Distance-base methods

Method Second Level Prototype Dim Method Stream
KNN [Hawkins, 1980] Proximity-based Nearest Neighbor M U ×
KnorrSeq2 [Palshikar, 2005] Proximity-based Nearest Neighbor M U ×
LOF [Breunig et al., 2000] Proximity-based LOF M U ×
COF [Tang et al., 2002] Proximity-based LOF M U ×
LOCI [Papadimitriou et al., 2003] Proximity-based LOF M U
ILOF [Pokrajac et al., 2007] Proximity-based LOF M U
DILOF [Na et al., 2018] Proximity-based LOF M U
HSDE [Li et al., 2017] Proximity-based LOF I U ×
k-Means [Hawkins, 1980] Clustering-based k-Means M U ×
Hybrid-k-Means [Song et al., 2017] Clustering-based k-Means M U ×
DeepkMeans [Moradi Fard et al., 2020] Clustering-based k-Means M Se ×
DBSCAN [Sander et al., 1998] Clustering-based DBSCAN M U ×
DBStream [Hahsler and Bolaos, 2016] Clustering-based DBSCAN M U
MCOD [Kontaki et al., 2011] Clustering-based - I U ×
CBLOF [He et al., 2003] Clustering-based LOF M U ×
sequenceMiner [Budalakoti et al., 2008] Clustering-based - I U ×
NorM (SAD) [Boniol et al., 2020] Clustering-based NormA I U ×
NormA [Boniol et al., 2021a] Clustering-based NormA I U ×
SAND [Boniol et al., 2021b] Clustering-based NormA I U
TARZAN[Keogh et al., 2002] Discord-based - I S ×
HOT SAX [Keogh et al., 2005] Discord-based - I U ×
DAD [Yankov et al., 2008] Discord-based - I U ×
AMD [Yang and Liao, 2017] Discord-based - I U ×
STAMPI [Yeh et al., 2016] Discord-based Matrix Profile M U
STOMP [Zhu et al., 2016] Discord-based Matrix Profile M U ×
MERLIN [Nakamura et al., 2020] Discord-based Matrix Profile I U ×
MERLIN++ [Nakamura et al., 2023] Discord-based Matrix Profile I U ×
SCRIMP [Zhu et al., 2018] Discord-based Matrix Profile I U ×
SCAMP [Zimmerman et al., 2019a] Discord-based Matrix Profile I U ×
VALMOD [Linardi et al., 2020] Discord-based Matrix Profile I U
DAMP [Lu et al., 2022] Discord-based Matrix Profile I U
LAMP [Zimmerman et al., 2019b] Discord-based Matrix Profile I Se

Density-based Methods

Method Second Level Prototype Dim Method Stream
FAST-MCD [Rousseeuw and Driessen, 1999] Distribution-based MCD M Se ×
MC-MCD [Hardin and Rocke, 2004] Distribution-based MCD M Se ×
OCSVM [Ma and Perkins, 2003b] Distribution-based SVM M Se ×
AOSVM [Gomez-Verdejo et al., 2011] Distribution-based SVM M U
Eros-SVMs [Lamrini et al., 2018] Distribution-based SVM M Se ×
S-SVM [Bhargava and Raghuvanshi, 2013] Distribution-based SVM I Se ×
MS-SVDD [Xiao et al., 2009] Distribution-based SVM M Se ×
NetworkSVM [Zhang et al., 2007] Distribution-based SVM M Se ×
HMAD [Gornitz et al., 2015] Distribution-based SVM I Se ×
DeepSVM [Wu et al., 2020] Distribution-based SVM M U ×
HBOS [Goldstein and Dengel, 2013] Distribution-based - M U ×
COPOD [Li et al., 2020] Distribution-based - M U ×
ConInd [Antoni and Borghesani, 2019] Distribution-based - M Se ×
MGDD [Subramaniam et al., 2006] Distribution-based - M U
OC-KFD [Roth, 2006] Distribution-based - M U ×
SmartSifter [Yamanishi et al., 2004] Distribution-based - M U
MedianMethod [Basu and Meckesheimer, 2007] Distribution-based - I U
S-ESD [Hochenbaum et al., 2017] Distribution-based ESD I U ×
S-H-ESD [Hochenbaum et al., 2017] Distribution-based ESD I U ×
SH-ESD+ [Vieira et al., 2018] Distribution-based ESD I U ×
TwoFinger [Marceau, 2000] Graph-based - I Se ×
GeckoFSM [Salvador and Chan, 2005] Graph-based - M S ×
Series2Graph [Boniol and Palpanas, 2020] Graph-based Series2Graph I U ×
DADS [Schneider et al., 2021] Graph-based Series2Graph I U ×
IForest [Liu et al., 2008] Tree-based IForest M U ×
IF-LOF [Cheng et al., 2019] Tree-based IForest/LOF M U ×
Extended IForest [Hariri et al., 2019] Tree-based IForest M U ×
Hybrid IForest [Marteau et al., 2017] Tree-based IForest M Se ×
SurpriseEncode [Chakrabarti et al., 1998] Encoding-based - M U ×
GranmmarViz [Senin et al., 2015] Encoding-based - I U ×
Ensemble GI [Gao et al., 2020] Encoding-based - I U ×
PST [Sun et al., 2006] Encoding-based Markov Ch. M U ×
EM-HMM [Park et al., 2016] Encoding-based Markov Ch. M Se
LaserDBN [Ogbechie et al., 2017] Encoding-based Bayesian Net. M Se ×
EDBN [Pauwels and Calders, 2019a] Encoding-based Bayesian Net. M Se ×
KDE-EDBN [Pauwels and Calders, 2019b] Encoding-based Bayesian Net. M Se ×
PCA [Snyder and Withers, 1983a] Encoding-based PCA M Se ×
RobustPCA [Paffenroth et al., 2018] Encoding-based PCA M U ×
DeepPCA [Chalapathy et al., 2017] Encoding-based PCA M Se ×
POLY [Yao et al., 2010] Encoding-based - I U ×
SSA [Yao et al., 2010] Encoding-based - I U ×

Prediction-based Methods

Method Second Level Prototype Dim Method Stream
ES [Snyder and Withers, 1983b] Forecasting-based - I Se ×
DES [Snyder and Withers, 1983b] Forecasting-based - I Se ×
TES [Snyder and Withers, 1983b] Forecasting-based - I U ×
ARIMA [Rousseeuw and Leroy, 1987] Forecasting-based ARIMA I U
NoveltySVR [Ma and Perkins, 2003a] Forecasting-based SVM I U
PCI [Yu et al., 2014] Forecasting-based ARIMA I U
OceanWNN [Wang et al., 2019] Forecasting-based - I Se ×
MTAD-GAT [Zhao et al., 2020] Forecasting-based GRU M Se
AD-LTI [Wu et al., 2020] Forecasting-based GRU M Se
CoalESN [Obst et al., 2008] Forecasting-based ESN M Se
MoteESN [Chang et al., 2009] Forecasting-based ESN I Se
HealthESN [Chen et al., 2020] Forecasting-based ESN I Se ×
Torsk [Heim and Avery, 2019] Forecasting-based ESN M U
LSTM-AD [Malhotra et al., 2015] Forecasting-based LSTM M Se ×
DeepLSTM [Chauhan and Vig, 2015] Forecasting-based LSTM I Se ×
DeepAnT [Munir et al., 2019] Forecasting-based LSTM M Se ×
Telemanom [Hundman et al., 2018] Forecasting-based LSTM M Se ×
RePAD [Lee et al., 2020] Forecasting-based LSTM M U ×
NumentaHTM [Ahmad et al., 2017] Forecasting-based HTM I U
MultiHTM [Wu et al., 2018] Forecasting-based HTM M U
RADM [Ding et al., 2018] Forecasting-based HTM M Se
MAD-GAN [Li et al., 2019] Reconstruction-based GAN M Se
VAE-GAN [Niu et al., 2020] Reconstruction-based GAN M Se ×
TAnoGAN [Bashar and Nayak, 2020] Reconstruction-based GAN M Se ×
USAD [Audibert et al., 2020] Reconstruction-based GAN M Se ×
EncDec-AD [Malhotra et al., 2016] Reconstruction-based AE M Se ×
LSTM-VAE [Park et al., 2018] Reconstruction-based AE M Se
DONUT [Xu et al., 2018] Reconstruction-based AE I Se ×
BAGEL [Li et al., 2018] Reconstruction-based AE I Se ×
OmniAnomaly [Su et al., 2019] Reconstruction-based AE M Se ×
MSCRED [Zhang et al., 2019] Reconstruction-based AE I U ×
VELC [Zhang et al., 2020] Reconstruction-based AE I Se ×
CAE [Garcia et al., 2020] Reconstruction-based AE I Se ×
DeepNAP [Kim et al., 2018] Reconstruction-based AE M Se
STORN [Soelch et al., 2016] Reconstruction-based AE M Se

2. Reference

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1. Contributors