
Slack emoji uploader, CLI. single binary, no dependencies. linux, osx, windows.

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Upload custom Slack emoji from the CLI.

Get it

  • Either download the statically linked binary from the latest release

  • ...or use go get:

    go get github.com/sgreben/slack-emoji-upload

Use it

slack-emoji-upload OPTIONS [FILES]

  -token string
        Slack API token
  -email string
        user email (required when -token not specified)
  -password string
        user password (required when -token not specified)
  -team string
        Slack team (required when -token not specified)

  -notify-channel string
        notify this channel on successful uploads
        suppress log output



To authenticate with a token (-token option), you need to use a xoxs-* Slack API token, not a regular user token. It looks something like this:


How to obtain the Slack API token


Alternatively, you can provide your -team, -email and -password to let the app obtain a xoxs-* API token for you.


Token auth

$ slack-emoji-upload -token "$MY_TOKEN" emoji/*.*
2018/09/11 11:34:53 reeeeee: uploading "/tmp/emoji/reeeeee.gif"
2018/09/11 11:34:55 reeeeee: uploaded
2018/09/11 11:34:55 yeet: uploading "/tmp/emoji/yeet.png"
2018/09/11 11:34:57 yeet: uploaded

Password auth

$ slack-emoji-upload -team my-team -email "me@example.com" -password "hunter2" emoji/*.*
2018/09/11 11:34:53 reeeeee: uploading "/tmp/emoji/reeeeee.gif"
2018/09/11 11:34:55 reeeeee: uploaded
2018/09/11 11:34:55 yeet: uploading "/tmp/emoji/yeet.png"
2018/09/11 11:34:57 yeet: uploaded