A simple library for parsing messages of Health Level 7 (HL7) version 2.x into Python objects.
- abubeckZühlke
- akurungadam@earthians
- alib022San Francisco, CA
- binbrainNew York, NY
- chronotropeEarth
- chuckboycejrChuck Boyce Solutions, LLC
- dmorfav@QUALUDSL
- e2jkBelgium
- elschweighoferVienna
- etiology
- etobella@dixmit
- gardenunezspain
- hsingh419
- hugocosmeSão Paulo
- jclavin2University of Maryland Baltimore County
- jflozanorCanada
- jhcloos
- jiangpanshanghai
- johnpaulett@radaisystems
- kurttheviking@cerebras
- larodriguez29
- leomartinjimenez@DXCAPI
- markotitelSerbia, Vojvodina, Titel
- mohsinalimatilol
- mrB1B0
- myd7349
- rafiks@devsphoto
- s-m-e@pleiszenburg
- zhenqinli