
This is an app for playing unlimited crossword minis, built with Svelte and AWS Amplify.

Installing dependencies

To install dependencies, run:

npm ci

Set up environment

You'll need to configure your environment variables. First copy from the example

cp .env.example .env

Then fill in the desired environment variable values. There should be comments in the .env.example file that indicate how to get the values that you should set.

Developing with Amplify

First, you'll want to set up a development sandbox in your AWS account. You can do that by running:

npm run sandbox

in a terminal tab. This process will watch for changes in the amplify/ directory and apply them to your AWS backend resources. This includes auth (Cognito), storage (S3), and api (AppSync/DynamoDb) resources.

Once your resources are deployed, a file named src/amplifyconfiguration.json will be written. Now your app will use the AWS resources you've just deployed.

Start by seeding your database:

npm run seed

Developing Svelte

Start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open

Now you can open http://localhost:5175/ to see your app in action (including hot reloading as you update the source code).


Deploy this application to your own AWS account in one click:
