
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Analysis of NC census and elections data to identify areas of low minority voter turnout.


  • Python 3.6.6
  • Jupyter | Geopandas | GeoPy | requests | spyder | folium

Local Installation

  • Clone the repo $ git clone https://github.com/14-cities/WakeVoter.git
  • Install requirements with $ pip install -r reqs.txt (NOTE: it is heavily encouraged to do this in a virtual environment)
  • Request an (API key)[https://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html] from the US Census
  • When the key arrives in an email, copy and paste it into a file called APIkey.txt at the root of WakeVoter
  • To run the applicaiton, start a new Python shell session and import the VoteSqaud.py file
    • $ python
    • >>> import VoteSquad.py

OS Specific troubleshooting

  • On Mac OS X, if you get the error OSError: Could not find libspatialindex_c library file you may need to run $ brew install spatialindex to get rtree working properly. See this GitHub issue

  • On Ubuntu 18.04, if you get the missing libspatial error, $ apt install libspatialindex-c4v5 libspatialindex-dev libspatialindex4v5 or just apt install python3-rtree and it will pull those in as dependencies.


Voting registration and history data

Voting precinct shape files

2010 Census Blocks

Address points


1. Extract and organize voting data for [Wake] county

  • Pull the voter data from the NC SBE servers and subset for the selected county:

  • Run get_county_voter_registration_file to retrieve/build a county level registration csv file.

    • Run get_county_voter_history_file to retrieve/build a county level registration csv file from the state file.
    • Run get_address_data() to pull NC Address Points data file to a local folder.
  • Assemble a feature class of voting points for the county

    • Run get_voter_data() to select voting records for a specific county and assemble them into a shapefile.
      • This uses the address file to attach coordinates to voter registration data

1. Identify census block groups with > 50% black voters

  • Obtain block feature dataset and attribute dataset, subset for Wake Co.
  • Join attributes to features and isolate block features with > 50 black voters
  • Tag block features with voting precincts

2. Compute voting frequency data and geocode it

  • Extract voting registration and history data for Wake Co.
  • Geocode voter registration data
  • Tally the number of elections voted in for each voter registration & join to geocode data

3. Select voting data falling within selected census blocks

  • Spatially join voting registration data with census blocks & precinct information
  • Compile list of super voters within each block (voters in all elections)
  • Compile list of low propensity voters within each block
  • Identify contiguous blocks, within precincts, and tally low propensity voters
  • Assign super voters for each 100 low propensity voters in contiguous blocks.