
DOI to BibTeX converter

Primary LanguagePython

!! functional but experimental !!


This project is a proof-of-principle implementation of the idea to automatically convert a list of DOIs into a useful bibtex file. This means that:

  • Bibtex keys need to be nice and unique.
  • Journal titles need to be consistently abbreviated.
  • Unicode needs to be consistently encoded in latex commands.




This builds a couple of tools within the repository directory.

make test

This should print

Files test.bib.ref and test.bib are identical


doi2bibtex.sh <dois.txt >references.bib

dois.txt is a text file with one DOI per line.


The conversion from DOI to bibtex consists of five steps:

  1. DOI is converted to raw bibtex using a HTTP resolver

    curl -LH 'Accept: application/x-bibtex' http://data.crossref.org/10.1002/qua.20315
  2. Fields author, title and journal in raw bibtex are converted from latex to Unicode using the definitions from W3C [large XML].

  3. Journal names are abbreviated using the List of Title Word Abbreviations which was scraped and is stored locally.

  4. Pseudo-unique ASCII-converted bibtex keys are generated in format

    <last name of first author><initials of journal><last 2 digits of 
    year>*<last two digits of SHA1 hash of DOI>
  5. Fields from (2) are converted from Unicode to latex.

Developer notes

  • Whenever pushing changes to download_abbrv.py or process.sql, also update the abbrv.db file if it changes.


  • Add caching of response from DOI resolver.
  • Convert all bibtex fields to latex.