
CSS problem

AndyNewtai opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi Superscrollorama folks,
I'm using this amazing tool (congratulations by the way) and I had gotten a bit familiar with it now and don't wan't to change to any other. The problem I'm having is with the .pin method: if I don't give any css "left" positioning to the pinnable element, it stays in the left most side of the view and the animation works fine. But when I position it more to the right, it keeps popping out of the right and going back to the left most side. This happens when the scrolling is almost done (going down) and in the reverse direction two. It's like it has some kind of default left positioning and it keeps going back to it.
Can you guys help me out, please?

Hi Andy,

in theory superscrollorama should be able to keep your left positioning.
But as far as I remember this wasn't really stable for all possible dom configurations.

The easiest fix I suggest is this:
Make a wrapper around your pinned element and pin the wrapper instead.
Then position your visible element inside the wrapper.
This way it doesn't matter if the pinned element has the left position 0.

hope this helps.

best regards,

Hi J,
thank you very much for your fast reply.
I will try the solution and get back to you.

any updates? :)

Dear John, thank you very much for your assistance; it worked fine!
Em 20/04/2014, às 13:52, Jan Paepke escreveu:

Closed #163.

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