
Parallel SpGEMM. Uses workspace. Uses Scipy to read mtx files. Uses pybind11 to run C++ SpGEMM.

Primary LanguageC++

Parallel SpGEMM


  • Uses the workspace to do SpGEMM.
  • Uses SciPy to read matrix market (mtx) files into CSR format.
  • Uses PyBind11 to run C++ SpGEMM kernels in Python scripts.
  • Uses OpenMP for parallel.

Python Dependency

$ pip install scipy
$ pip install pandas

Set up

$ git clone https://github.com/johnpzh/ParallelSpGEMM.git
$ cd ParallelSpGEMM
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update


Under the project directory (ParallelSpGEMM/),

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ make -j4


Under the project directory (ParallelSpGEMM/),

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=24
$ cd py
$ python py4.parallel_x.py <input.mtx> <rounds>
  • OMP_NUM_THREADS is setting the number of threads used by OpenMP.
  • input.mtx is the input matrix
  • rounds is how many times the program will run.

Please check py4.parallel_x.py to see which version of spgemm code it is using. For example,

times.append(bench(lambda : spgemm.spgemm_parallel_7_raw_pointer_outside_forloop(NI, NJ, NK,
                         A.indices, A.indptr, A.data,
                         B.indices, B.indptr, B.data),

is using spgemm_parallel_7_raw_pointer_outside_forloop, which is in src/spgemm_parallel_7_raw_pointer_outside_forloop.cpp.

How to Add New Version of SpGEMM?

  1. Add spgemm_vxx.cpp in src/.
  2. Add spgemm_vxx.h in include/.
  3. Add function entry spgemm_vxx in src/spgemm.module.cpp.
  4. Add source file src/spgemm_vxx.cpp into CMakeLists.txt for building the pybind11 module.
  5. Implement the new version of SpGEMM in the function spgemm_vxx in spgemm_vxx.cpp, and rebuild.
  6. Update the function entry in py/py4.parallel_x.py to run the new version.
  7. Run py4.parallel_x.py to check the correctness.