@solana/web3.js is not tree-shakeable.

In src/index.ts I'm only importing a numeric const (LAMPORTS_PER_SOL)

import { LAMPORTS_PER_SOL } from "@solana/web3.js";

the expected compiled file would look something like this

const LAMPORTS_PER_SOL = 1000000000;

but currently the entire web3.js package is injected, which means the output filesize is about 1000x larger than this and includes many extra libraries (that can have issues with react native etc) that aren't necessary.


Outputs for ncc, rollup and webpack are in the dist/ directory.

tool command minified filesize
ncc npm run build:ncc 512 kB
rollup npm run build:rollup 483 kB
webpack npm run build:webpack 381 kB


I tried building @solana/web3.js with typescript's tsc instead of rollup but https://github.com/Rich-Harris/agadoo still claims its not tree-shakeable.