A lightweight state management layer for Alpine.js
Many large frameworks have their own state management solutions. One thing these libraries have in common is a higher level of complexity and a wide range of API interactions. Since Alpine.js is designed to be a simpler and lighter alternative to larger frameworks such as Vue and React, shouldn't the state management solution be as simple, if not simpler, too?
Include the following <script>
tag in the <head>
of your document:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ryangjchandler/spruce@0.x.x/dist/spruce.umd.js"></script>
Important: This must be added before loading Alpine.js when using CDN links.
If you wish to include Spruce with your own bundle:
yarn add @ryangjchandler/spruce
Then add the following to your script:
import Spruce from '@ryangjchandler/spruce'
To verify you have correctly installed Spruce, copy & paste the following code snippet into your project.
<div x-data="{}" x-subscribe>
<div x-show="$store.modal.open === 'login'">
This "login" modal isn't built with a11y in mind, don't actually use it
<div x-data="{}" x-subscribe>
<div x-show="$store.modal.open === 'register'">
This "register" modal isn't built with a11y in mind, don't actually use it
<div x-data="{}" x-subscribe>
<select x-model="$store.modal.open">
<option value="login" selected>login</option>
<option value="register">register</option>
Spruce.store('modal', {
open: 'login',
To see what the code should do, use this CodePen. Thanks @HugoDF!
Spruce exposes less than a handful of possible interaction points. There is an extremely simple "subscriptions" interaction which connects the roots from your Alpine component to the global store, then there is the "stores" interaction which allows you to define scopes of global state for use throughout your components.
If you are using the CDN build, you can interact with Spruce using the window.Spruce
Spruce.store('modals', {
open: 'login',
If you are importing Spruce into your own bundle, you can interact with it like any other variable:
import Spruce from '@ryangjchandler/spruce'
Spruce.store('modals', {
open: 'login'
export default Spruce
import Store from './store'
import 'alpinejs'
Note: You must
your store before Alpine.
To access the global state from your Alpine components, you can simply add the x-subscribe
directive to your root component.
<div x-data="{}" x-subscribe>
<span x-text="$store.application.name"></span>
This directive adds a new $store
magic variable to your component. This can be used to "get" and "set" data in your global store.
To define a piece of global state, you can use the Spruce.store()
Spruce.store('application', {
name: 'Amazing Alpine Application'
The first argument defines the top level property of the scope. The second argument defines the state for the scope, it could be a string, integer or object with nested properties.
To access the name
property, you can do the following inside of your component:
<div x-data="{}" x-subscribe>
<span x-text="$store.application.name"></span>
The <span>
will now have "Amazing Alpine Application" set as its innerText
You can modify your global state from external scripts using the Spruce.store()
method too:
Spruce.store('application', {
name: 'Amazing Alpine Application'
Spruce.store('application').name = 'Amazing Spruce Integration'
This will trigger Alpine to re-evaluate your subscribed components and re-render.
You can register watchers in a similar fashion to Alpine. All you need is the full dot-notation representation of your piece of state and a callback.
Spruce.store('form', {
name: 'Ryan',
email: 'support@ryangjchandler.co.uk'
Spruce.watch('form.email', (old, next) => {
// do something with the values here
In the above snippet, when we change the value of form.email
either from a component or externally in a separate JavaScript file, our callback will be invoked and will receive the old value, as well as the new value. This can be useful for running automatic inline validation when a property changes, or triggering an action elsewhere in another component without the need for dispatching events.
Note: you can get stuck in an watch loop if you're updating other store properties that also have watchers defined.
Spruce ships with a basic event bus. It exposes two methods:
Spruce.on(eventName, callback)
- this can be used to register an event listener. This will react to any internal events, such asinit
. Your callback will receive a singledetail
property which can any information from the event, as well as the global store.
Spruce.on('init', ({ store }) => {
// do something with the store here...
Spruce.emit(eventName, data = {})
- this can be used to emit an event. The first argument should be the name of the event, the second should be an object containing data. This will be merged in with the core data, which consists of astore
property. When emitting an event, a browser event will also be dispatched with aspruce:
Spruce.emit('event-name', { foo: 'bar' })
In the example above, a spruce:event-name
event will be fired on the window
level, so you could register an event listener inside of your Alpine component:
<div x-data @spruce:event-name.window="foo = $event.detail.store.foo">
Alpine offers a Config API. Using this API, you can enable an experimental global $store
variable that is declared on the window
object. This means your components do not need to manually "subscribe" to state changes:
globalStoreVariable: true
<div x-data>
<span x-text="$store.foo.bar"></span>
Important: This feature is highly unoptimized at the moment and will actually cause all of your Alpine components on the page to re-render. This is due to the limited API that Alpine exposes to third party libraries and the
variable has no simple way of knowing which element is currently retrieving data from the global store.
This projects follow the Semantic Versioning guidelines. This means that there could be breaking changes on minor version changes, up until v1.x is reached.
For example, 0.1 -> 0.2 might introduce a breaking change.
Copyright (c) 2020 Ryan Chandler and contributors
Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.md for details.