Keeping T.I.M.E - Live Link

This is an app designed to help people learn languages through music

Problems Solved

The user can:

  • Select songs from predefined genres
  • Search for any song available on spotify
  • See side by side lyrics in English and French for any song on spotify
  • Listen to any song as they are studying the lyrics
  • Study a randomly selected group of words from those specific lyrics to help them build their vocabulary

Features to be added

The user will be able to

  • Test their knowledge of newly learned voacb words by entering them in input boxes in the lyrics
  • Look up the definition and translation of all vocab words by clicking on them
  • Look up the definition and translation of any word by searching for it
  • Access multiple languages instead of just English and French

##Technologies Used ####Languages: HTML5, JavaScript, CSS ####External Libraries: Materialize ####Frameworks: Express, Angular

Screen Shots
