This is a demo aiming to create a Vue library that relies on Pinia. We assume that library users will employ Pinia in their Vue projects, whether it's Vue or Nuxt. Consequently, we can abstract a Pinia store within the library, allowing users to access state, getters, and actions within the store that are designed by the library's author.
It would be interesting if we incorporate any kind of SDK or API service into a Pinia library. In this way, we can design a global vue-reactive state as a pinia store of the app to better serve library users.
My project, Vue Dapp, was created using this method.
- Build components that depend on pinia in library mode
- pinia store in library mode doesn't work
- Component that uses pinia in library mode can't be imported and reused in another app
- How to pass a Pinia store from the app to a vue 3 library
Goal: Find a way that doesn't require manually adding useNuxtApp().$pinia
Typical error in nuxt-app:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_s')
- update library version and then publish.
- test prod in nuxt-app
- Using directory link package, it works on dev and prod.
- Using pnpm install, it works on dev, but doesn't work on prod.
- Using pnpm install, it works on prod with
const store = useVuePiniaLibrary(useNuxtApp().$pinia)
- Using pnpm install, they work on prod with the follows:
const store = useVuePiniaLibrary(useNuxtApp().$pinia)
const wrapperStore = useWrapperStore()
- Same as v0.0.1
- Not because directly exporting defineStore allows library users to not need useNuxtApp().$pinia
- It's not that the component is using the store, so the library user doesn't need useNuxtApp().$pinia
The error message is different
[🍍]: "getActivePinia()" was called but there was no active Pinia. Are you trying to use a store before calling "app.use(pinia)"? See for help. This will fail in production.
rollupOptions: {
external: ['vue', 'pinia'],
output: {
dir: 'dist',
globals: {
vue: 'vue',
Useless, typical error.
Only one store needs to be filled in with $pinia, other stores do not need to be filled in!
const store = useVuePiniaLibrary(useNuxtApp().$pinia)
const store2 = useVuePiniaLibrary2()