
Foundry template for the Optimizor Club SQRT challenge

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT

Optimizor Club SQRT challenge

This repo provides a Foundry template to write solutions for the Optimizor Club SQRT challenge.

In the SQRT problem your contract is given an array of Fixed18 numbers, and it must return the square root of each number with an error margin of 10^-5. The challenge contract can be found at 0x2747096ff9e0fce877cd168dcd5de16040a4ab85.

The interface that your solution contract must have can be represented by the Solidity interface below. Function sqrt will be called by the challenge contract when you make a challenge.

interface ISqrt {
    function sqrt(Fixed18[INPUT_SIZE] calldata) external view returns (Fixed18[INPUT_SIZE] memory);

You only need to modify contract MySolution in MySolution.sol with your code, or of write write one from scratch in your preferred language. The tests will run the challenge against your contract on multiple random seeds.


Since your solution must not have the metadata hash that solc adds to the bytecode, we need to use a pre-release of solc 0.8.18 and use the option cbor_metadata = false which you can see in foundry.toml.

To test only your solution:

$ forge test --use ./bin/solc

To test the full workflow including commit and challenge against the mainnet contracts:

$ forge test --use ./bin/solc --rpc-url $RPC_URL